# Maintainer: Wren Baxter pkgname=w08-star-db-astap pkgver=2021.10.24 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc="Wide-field database (FOV>20 degrees) of stars up to magnitude 8" arch=('any') url="https://www.hnsky.org/astap.htm" license=('LGPL3') source=("w08.deb::https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/astap-program/star_databases/w08_star_database_mag08_astap.deb") sha256sums=('523131fbf448c547d42051df5d23aea7e92b0ca75484043abb35cd128da7beed') optdepends=('astap-bin: binary GTk version' 'astap-bin-qt5: binary Qt version' 'astap: sourced Qt version' 'astap-cli: CLI version' 'hnsky-hg: planetarium program, hg-version' 'hnsky-bin: planetarium program, bin-version') # the deb is automatically unpacked in the automatic prepare() step, but the files we want are doubly archived package() { tar xfv data.tar.xz -C "${pkgdir}" chmod 755 -R "${pkgdir}" chmod 644 "${pkgdir}"/opt/astap/* }