# Maintainer: Emil Velikov # Maintainer: Eric Engestrom # Contributor: Ben Widawsky # Contributor: Chad Versace pkgname=waffle pkgver=1.7.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='a library for choosing window system and OpenGL API at runtime' arch=('x86_64') url='http://www.waffle-gl.org' license=('BSD') depends=('libx11' 'libxcb' 'libudev.so' 'libgl' 'libgles') optdepends=('libegl: for gbm, surfaceless, x11_egl or wayland support' 'mesa: for gbm support' 'wayland: for wayland support') # XXX: systemd is a bit of a hack, in particular: # The Arch packaging splits the libudev.so in one package, with the build # aka headers/pkg-config in another. makedepends=('meson' 'xcb-proto' 'mesa' 'libxslt' 'docbook-xsl' 'cmake' 'systemd' 'wayland-protocols') source=(https://mesa.pages.freedesktop.org/waffle/files/release/waffle-${pkgver}/waffle-${pkgver}.tar.xz{,.asc}) sha256sums=('69e42d15d08f63e7a54a8b8770295a6eb04dfd1c6f86c328b6039dbe7de28ef3' '7a7e064395551ce20a694be7ecb4795effc3fd6f614943e50445469631677f6e') validpgpkeys=('8703B6700E7EE06D7A39B8D6EDAE37B02CEB490D') build() { arch-meson "$pkgname-$pkgver" build \ --buildtype release \ -D gbm=enabled \ -D glx=enabled \ -D surfaceless_egl=enabled \ -D x11_egl=enabled \ -D wayland=enabled \ -D build-manpages=true \ -D build-htmldocs=true \ -D build-examples=false meson configure build ninja -C build } package() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ninja -C build install install -m755 -d "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" install -m644 "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/waffle1/LICENSE.txt" \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE.txt" }