# Maintainer: ipochto # Contributor: Thaodan pkgname=wargus-git pkgver=3.3.2.r2792.420efb42_20220811 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Warcraft2 Mod that allows you to play Warcraft2 with the Stratagus engine (dev version)" arch=("i686" "x86_64") url="https://github.com/Wargus/wargus" license=('GPL') makedepends=( 'git' 'cmake' ) depends=( 'stratagus-git' 'ffmpeg2theora' 'cdparanoia' 'timidity++' ) optdepends=( 'zenity: graphical UI for data extractor' 'xdialog: graphical UI for data extractor' 'dialog: console UI for data extractor' 'fluidsynth: midi music support' 'soundfont-fluid: sound font for midi music support' ) conflicts=('wargus') source=("${pkgname}::git+https://github.com/Wargus/wargus.git") md5sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd "$srcdir/${pkgname}" dev_cycle=3.3.2 printf "%s.r%s.%s_%s" "${dev_cycle}" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" "$(date +%Y%m%d)" } build() { cd ${srcdir} cmake ${pkgname} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DGAMEDIR=/usr/bin -Bbuild make -C build } package() { cd $srcdir/build make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install }