_pkgname=weidu pkgname=$_pkgname-git pkgver=1 pkgrel=1 makedepends=("ocaml") arch=("x86_64") conflicts=("weidu-bin" "weidu") url="https://github.com/WeiDUorg/weidu" pkgdesc="WeiDU is a program used to develop, distribute and install modifications for games based on the Infinity Engine." license=("GPLv2") source=("git+https://github.com/WeiDUorg/elkhound" "git+https://github.com/WeiDUorg/weidu#branch=devel") sha256sums=("SKIP" "SKIP") pkgver() { cd "$srcdir/weidu" git describe --always | sed "s|-|.|g" } prepare() { cd "$srcdir/elkhound/src" ./configure cd "$srcdir/weidu" cp sample.Configuration Configuration } build() { cd "$srcdir/elkhound/src" make -j1 cd "$srcdir/weidu" export PATH="$srcdir/elkhound/src/elkhound:$PATH" export OCAMLPARAM="safe-string=0,_" make -j1 } package() { cd "$srcdir/weidu" install -D -m=0755 weidu.asm.exe "$pkgdir/usr/bin/weidu" }