# vim: set et sw=2: # Maintainer: Brian Bidulock # Contributor: Daniel Isenmann # Contributor: Judd Vinet pkgname=windowmaker pkgver=0.95.8 pkgrel=5 pkgdesc="An X11 window manager with a NEXTSTEP look and feel" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://www.windowmaker.org/" license=('GPL' 'custom') depends=('libxinerama' 'libxrandr' 'libxmu' 'libpng' 'libxpm' 'libxft' 'libtiff' 'giflib' 'libmagick' 'libbsd') source=("http://windowmaker.org/pub/source/release/WindowMaker-$pkgver.tar.gz" 'wmaker.desktop' 'https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/plain/x11-wm/windowmaker/files/windowmaker-0.95.8-imagemagick7.patch') prepare() { cd WindowMaker-$pkgver patch -Np1 -b -z .orig < ../windowmaker-0.95.8-imagemagick7.patch autoreconf -fi # fix some paths FS#3080 - ckeck also Gentoo ebuild for file in WindowMaker/*menu* util/wmgenmenu.c; do if [[ -r $file ]] ; then sed -i -e "s:/usr/local/GNUstep/Applications/WPrefs.app:/usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/WPrefs.app:g;" "$file" sed -i -e "s:/usr/local/share/WindowMaker:/usr/share/WindowMaker:g;" "$file" sed -i -e "s:/opt/share/WindowMaker:/usr/share/WindowMaker:g;" "$file" fi; done; } build() { cd WindowMaker-$pkgver export LINGUAS="be bg bs ca cs da de el es et fi fr fy gl hr hu hy it ja ko ms nl no pl pt ro ru sk sv tr uk zh_CN zh_TW" ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-xinerama \ --localedir=/usr/share/locale --with-gnustepdir=/usr/lib/GNUstep \ --enable-usermenu --enable-modelock --enable-randr make V=0 } package() { cd WindowMaker-$pkgver make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install install -D -m644 COPYING.WTFPL "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING.WTFPL" install -D -m644 ../wmaker.desktop "$pkgdir/usr/share/xsessions/wmaker.desktop" } sha256sums=('9dbf5c5571bb79c4b1584f496c960ee2cd7379af45ef0f58b4b0f487259de88a' '126da08ac9cffc4354bb4f246ec5ed5abd3cd29ed665d05d190c5bf842c84bef' 'e89e8c7638f38296f1fc31d892672122a73ce89ce40c192bb404d852cca06692')