# Maintainer: flan_suse # The "stylized" name of the application is "WireGUIrd" (aka: "wireguard GUI") # PACKAGER'S NOTE: # This program runs with elevated permissions ("Polkit"). # The config file is located under /root/wireguird.settings # It's preferable to use your WireGuard VPN provider's official application. # If they do not provide one, you can use NetworkManager to create WireGuard tunnels. # As a last resort, this application is a simple GUI that leverages "wg-quick". # Any *.conf files found under /etc/wireguard will automatically be loaded in the list. # You can also manually add or remove WireGuard *.conf files using the GUI interface. # IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT USAGE: # Upstream set a 15-character limit for the config filenames. # If a config's filename is longer than 15 characters, you cannot activate the tunnel. pkgname=wireguird pkgver=1.0.0 pkgrel=4 pkgdesc="GUI frontend to connect to and manage WireGuard tunnels (GTK3)" arch=('x86_64') url="https://github.com/UnnoTed/wireguird" license=('MIT') depends=('wireguard-tools' 'gtk3' 'libayatana-appindicator' 'openresolv') makedepends=('go') source=(${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz::${url}/archive/refs/tags/v1.0.0.tar.gz) sha256sums=(306ac55506cd2d74909351f9be8000b9e83d99280214e1618693b665b8b73485) prepare() { # Change into directory cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver} # Prepare environment export GOPATH=${srcdir}/go export GOENV=${srcdir}/go/.config export GOCACHE=${srcdir}/go/.cache go clean -cache -modcache # Correct the Debian executable path to work with Arch Linux and related distros sed -i 's/^Exec.*$/Exec=wireguird/g' deb/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop mv deb/usr/local/bin deb/usr rmdir deb/usr/local # Create a category for the desktop shortcut echo "Categories=Network" >> deb/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop # Include a comment for the desktop shortcut echo "Comment=Manage, create, and connect to WireGuard tunnels" >> deb/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop } build() { # Change into directory cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver} # Prepare the environment, so as to not download modules outside the working source directory mkdir -p ${srcdir}/go ${srcdir}/go/.config ${srcdir}/go/.cache export GOPATH=${srcdir}/go export GOENV=${srcdir}/go/.config export GOCACHE=${srcdir}/go/.cache # Compile binary with gcc-go compiler go generate go build -modcacherw -ldflags "-s -w" -trimpath -o bin/${pkgname} go clean -cache -modcache } package() { # Change into directory cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver} # Prepare application directory mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname} # Copy compiled binary to application directory cp bin/${pkgname} ${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname} # Copy icons to application directory and subdirectories cp -a Icon ${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname} # Copy launcher, desktop shortcut, and polkit policy cp -a deb/usr ${pkgdir} # Copy changelog to application directory cp deb/DEBIAN/changelog ${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname} }