# Maintainer: Patrick Desaulniers _pkgname=wolf-shaper _pkgdesc="A waveshaper plugin with graph editor" pkgname=$_pkgname-git pkgver=1.0.2.r25.gd38cc33 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="$_pkgdesc (git version)" arch=(i686 x86_64) url='https://github.com/wolf-plugins/wolf-shaper' license=(GPL) groups=( pro-audio dssi-plugins clap-plugins lv2-plugins vst-plugins vst3-plugins ) depends=( gcc-libs glibc libxext libglvnd libx11 ) makedepends=( alsa-lib dssi gcc-libs gendesk glibc jack liblo libglvnd libx11 libxext lv2 ) optdepends=( 'jack: for standalone application' 'dssi-host: for loading the DSSI format plugin' 'clap-host: for loading the CLAP format plugin' 'lv2-host: for loading the LV2 format plugin' 'vst-host: for loading the VST2 format plugin' 'vst3-host: for loading the VST3 format plugin' ) provides=( $_pkgname{,-clap,-dssi,-lv2,-standalone,-vst,-vst3} ) conflicts=( $_pkgname{,-clap,-dssi,-lv2,-standalone,-vst,-vst3} ) source=("$_pkgname::git+https://github.com/wolf-plugins/wolf-shaper") md5sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd $_pkgname git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } prepare() { cd $_pkgname git submodule update --init --recursive gendesk -f -n \ --pkgname com.github.pdesaulniers.$_pkgname \ --name $_pkgname \ --exec $_pkgname \ --pkgdesc "$_pkgdesc" \ --genericname "Wave Shaper" \ --categories "AudioVideo;Audio" } build() { cd $_pkgname make \ BUILD_CLAP=True \ BUILD_DSSI=true \ BUILD_JACK=true \ BUILD_LV2=true \ BUILD_VST2=true \ BUILD_VST3=True } package() { depends+=(libasound.so libGL.so liblo.so) cd $_pkgname make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" PREFIX="/usr" VST_FOLDER_NAME=vst install install -vDm 644 *.desktop -t "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications }