# Maintainer: Vinay Shastry pkgname=wormhole-william pkgver=1.0.4 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='A go (golang) implementation of magic wormhole. It provides secure end-to-end encrypted file transfers between computers. It is compatible with the official python magic wormhole cli tool (see magic-wormhole package).' arch=('x86_64') url="https://github.com/psanford/${pkgname}" license=('MIT') depends=('glibc') makedepends=('go-pie' 'git') source=("${url}/archive/v${pkgver}.tar.gz") sha256sums=('8757847b13dc9830edeefcf467ebed9384646df4a325007ed6bf1840e4cb1260') build() { cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}" go build \ -ldflags "-extldflags ${LDFLAGS}" \ -gcflags "all=-trimpath=${PWD}" \ -asmflags "all=-trimpath=${PWD}" \ -o "${pkgname}" . } package() { cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}" install -Dm755 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/" "${pkgname}" install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/" LICENSE }