# Maintainer: George Thomas pkgname="wxc" pkgver="" # TODO keep this in sync? https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/VCS_package_guidelines#The_pkgver()_function pkgrel="1" pkgdesc="A C wrapper around the wxWidgets C++ library" url="https://github.com/georgefst/wxHaskell" arch=("x86_64") depends=("gcc" "wxwidgets") makedepends=("git" "cmake") license=("custom:wxWindows") source=("git+${url}#commit=152d1e0f4ead34d76240727fab87185bc0a89c0b") # TODO only clone `wxc` subdir and `license.txt`? sha512sums=("SKIP") package() { (cd wxHaskell/wxc && ./generate-version-header.sh) cmake -BwxHaskell/build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${pkgdir}/usr" wxHaskell/wxc (cd wxHaskell/build && make install) install -Dm644 wxHaskell/license.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE" # TODO bit of a hack # wxc's current build system bakes in absolute paths earlier than Arch would like # so we just replace the whole first line # TODO we still see a warning, but can't find why and see no issues in practice (maybe just due to relative symlink?): # ==> WARNING: Package contains reference to $srcdir # usr/lib/libwxc.so. sed -i "1s/.*/prefix=\/usr/" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/pkgconfig/wxc.pc" }