# Maintainer: Dmitry Popov _with_r=false _with_cuda=false _name=xgboost pkgbase=xgboost-git pkgname=('xgboost-git' 'python-xgboost-git') if $_with_r; then pkgname+=('r-xgboost-git') fi pkgver=r6119.b05abfc49 pkgrel=1 url='https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost' license=('APACHE') source=('git+https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost.git' 'git+https://github.com/dmlc/dmlc-core' 'git+https://github.com/dmlc/rabit' 'git+https://github.com/NVlabs/cub' 'python_no_libs.patch') makedepends=('python-setuptools') if $_with_r; then makedepends+=('r' 'r-stringi' 'r-magrittr' 'r-data.table') fi if $_with_cuda; then makedepends+=('cuda') fi arch=('x86_64') sha256sums=('SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP') pkgver() { cd "${_name}" printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" } prepare() { cd "${_name}" git submodule init git config submodule.dmlc-core.url "${srcdir}/dmlc-core" git config submodule.rabit.url "${srcdir}/rabit" git config submodule.cub.url "${srcdir}/cub" git -c protocol.file.allow=always submodule update patch -p1 < "${srcdir}/python_no_libs.patch" } build() { local cmake_args=() cd "${_name}" mkdir build && cd build if $_with_r; then cmake_args+=('-DR_LIB=ON') fi if $_with_cuda; then cmake_args+=('-DUSE_CUDA=ON' '-DBUILD_WITH_CUDA_CUB=ON') if [ -n "$_compute_ver" ]; then cmake_args+=("-DGPU_COMPUTE_VER=$_compute_ver") fi fi if $_with_cuda; then CC=/opt/cuda/bin/gcc CXX=/opt/cuda/bin/g++ cmake .. ${cmake_args[@]} else cmake .. ${cmake_args[@]} fi make if $_with_r; then mv ../lib/{,lib}xgboost.so # based on xgboost/cmake/Utils.cmake:setup_rpackage_install_target: rm -r R-package cp -r ../R-package . rm -r R-package/{src,configure} mkdir R-package/src cp ../lib/libxgboost.so R-package/src/xgboost.so echo "all:" > R-package/src/Makevars mkdir "${srcdir}/R-${_name}" R CMD INSTALL --no-multiarch --build R-package -l "${srcdir}/R-${_name}" fi } package_xgboost-git() { pkgdesc='An optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed to be highly efficient, flexible and portable' provides=('xgboost') conflicts=('xgboost') optdepends=('python-xgboost-git: Python 3 Wrapper') cd "${_name}" # Install License install -D -m644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE" # Install Documentation install -D -m644 README.md "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/README.md" # Install main executable install -Dm755 "xgboost" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/xgboost" # Install shared libraries mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/lib" install -Dm644 lib/*.so "${pkgdir}/usr/lib" # Install includes mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/include" cp -r include/xgboost "${pkgdir}/usr/include" cp -r dmlc-core/include/dmlc "${pkgdir}/usr/include" cp -r rabit/include/rabit "${pkgdir}/usr/include" # Copy the demos to opt/xgboost mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/opt/xgboost cp -r demo "${pkgdir}"/opt/xgboost } package_python-xgboost-git() { pkgdesc='XGBoost Python 3 wrapper' depends=('xgboost' 'python' 'python-numpy' 'python-scipy') conflicts=('python-xgboost') provides=('python-xgboost') cd "${_name}/python-package" python setup.py install --root="${pkgdir}" --optimize=1 } if $_with_r; then package_r-xgboost-git() { pkgdesc='XGBoost R wrapper' depends=('r' 'r-stringi' 'r-magrittr' 'r-data.table') conflicts=('r-xgboost') provides=('r-xgboost') cd "${_name}/build" install -dm0755 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/R/library" cp -a --no-preserve=ownership "${srcdir}/R-${_name}/${_name}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/R/library" } fi # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: