# Maintainer: taotieren pkgbase=xguipro pkgname=(xguipro-gtk3) pkgver=0.8.4 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc="xGUI (the X Graphics User Interface) Pro is a modern, cross-platform, and advanced HVML renderer which is based on tailored WebKit." arch=(x86_64 aarch64 riscv64 mips64 powerpc powerpc64le) url="https://github.com/HVML/xGUI-Pro" license=('LGPL-3.0') groups=(hvml hybridos2) provides=(${pkgbase} 'xGUI-Pro' 'run-xguipro') conflicts=(${pkgbase}) replaces=() depends=( # xguipro-gtk3 webkit2gtk # # xguipro-gtk4 # webkit2gtk-4.1 curl enchant glib2 gperf libxml2 icu openssl purc python ruby sqlite zlib ) makedepends=( ccache cmake git base-devel ninja pkgconf clang llvm # # xguipro-gtk3 gtk3 libsoup # # xguipro-gtk4 # gtk4 # libsoup3 ) optdepends=('webkit2gtk-hvml: to support two HVML-specific attributes hvml-handle and hvml-events. This tailored WebKit engine provides support for two ports: GTK+ and HybridOS (MiniGUI).') backup=() options=('!strip') install= source=("${pkgbase}-${pkgver}.tar.gz::${url}/archive/refs/tags/ver-${pkgver}.tar.gz" # "001-fix.patch::https://github.com/HVML/xGUI-Pro/commit/a6e4022fa599e5e98d92d8d2feb56fe689e16f1a.patch" ) sha256sums=('901cd7330290dea47e0270b869ded7b5e7cd3596461ad92257c8ae72753ae2b7') prepare() { install -Dm644 /dev/stdin ${srcdir}/xguipro.csh <