# Maintainer: Trizen <echo dHJpemVuQHByb3Rvbm1haWwuY29tCg== | base64 -d> _pkgname=youtube-viewer pkgname=youtube-viewer-git pkgver=3.11.3.r0.g33ad855 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A lightweight YouTube client for Linux" arch=('any') url="https://github.com/trizen/youtube-viewer" license=('Artistic2.0') makedepends=('git') provides=('youtube-viewer') conflicts=('youtube-viewer') depends=('perl' 'perl-data-dump' 'perl-json' 'perl-lwp-protocol-https' 'perl-libwww' 'perl-unicode-linebreak') optdepends=( 'ffmpeg: conversions and MKV merging' 'perl-json-xs: faster JSON parsing' 'perl-lwp-useragent-cached: local cache support' 'perl-term-readline-gnu: better STDIN support (+history)' 'mpv: play videos with MPV (recommended)' 'vlc: play videos with VLC' 'wget: download videos with wget' 'youtube-dl: play videos with encrypted signatures' ) source=('git+https://github.com/trizen/youtube-viewer.git') sha512sums=('SKIP') pkgver() { cd "$_pkgname" git describe --long --tags | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g' } build() { ( export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 PERL5LIB="" \ PERL_AUTOINSTALL=--skipdeps \ PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALLDIRS=vendor INSTALLVENDORSCRIPT=/usr/bin DESTDIR='$pkgdir'" \ PERL_MB_OPT="--installdirs vendor --destdir '$pkgdir'" \ MODULEBUILDRC=/dev/null cd "$_pkgname" /usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL make ) } check() { cd "$_pkgname" ( export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 PERL5LIB="" make test ) } package() { cd "$_pkgname" make install rm -r "$pkgdir/usr/lib" find "$pkgdir" -name .packlist -o -name perllocal.pod -delete }