# Maintainer: Alexei Colin pkgname=zephyr-sdk pkgver=0.16.0 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="SDK for Zephyr real-time operating system" arch=('x86_64') url="https://www.zephyrproject.org/" license=('Apache') depends=('cmake' 'ninja' 'gperf' 'ccache' 'dfu-util' 'dtc' 'python-pip' 'python-setuptools' 'python-wheel' 'tk' 'xz') optdepends=('pyocd: programming and debugging ARM MCUs' 'python-west: Zephyr RTOS Project meta-tool') makedepends=('patchelf' 'wget') source=("https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdk-ng/releases/download/v${pkgver}/zephyr-sdk-${pkgver}_linux-x86_64.tar.xz" "zephyrrc" ) sha256sums=('63fd2a70fe941c92cc92bf13f5a50ff785c0bd1051460ec661542cd10b9052cd' '7a1257272c64bdec281283d391e3149cece065935c9e8394d6bece32d0f6fc05') options=(!strip) install=$pkgname.install _installdir=opt/zephyr-sdk _setupsh=setup.sh build() { cd "$srcdir" } package () { cd "$srcdir" mkdir -p $pkgdir/opt echo ">>> Unpacking...." cp -a $srcdir/zephyr-sdk-$pkgver $pkgdir/$_installdir # Add a flag to not relocate executables, because the path to pkgdir is invalid after installation # -R disables relocation, -S saves the relocation script so that it can be run manually. sed -i 's#\(\./zephyr-sdk-\${HOSTTYPE}-hosttools-standalone-[0-9.]\+sh\)#\1 -R -S#' $pkgdir/$_installdir/$_setupsh # Disables sanboxing on systems where libseccomp is available sed -i 's/xargs -n100 file/xargs -n100 file -S/' $pkgdir/$_installdir/zephyr-sdk-x86_64-hosttools-standalone-*.sh install -Dm644 zephyrrc $pkgdir/usr/share/zephyr-sdk/zephyrrc cd $pkgdir/$_installdir ######### NOTE: we are in $_installdir after this point ./$_setupsh -h -t all # Manually install the CMake module, because upstream paths are no good: # file installed into $HOME and path is the package build path. Upstream # needs to support overridable path for the module and a -prefix argumnent # to distinguish destination copy dir from final system install path. local _cmake_fname=$(echo -n /$_installdir | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1) local _cmake_module_path="$pkgdir/usr/lib/cmake/Zephyr-sdk" mkdir -p "$_cmake_module_path" echo "/$_installdir" > "$_cmake_module_path/${_cmake_fname}" # Strip package build path from prefix path sed -i "s@\(relocate_sdk.py\s\+\)${pkgdir}/${_installdir} ${pkgdir}/${_installdir}@\1 /${_installdir} /${_installdir}@g" relocate_sdk.sh ./relocate_sdk.sh rm zephyr-sdk-*-hosttools-standalone-*.sh rm relocate_sdk.{py,sh} rm setup.sh } # Manual test procedure: get Zephyr Kernel, build an example, and run in Qemu: # # $ wget https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/archive/master.tar.gz # $ tar xf master.tar.gz # $ cd zephyr-master # $ source zephyr-env.sh # $ cd samples/hello_world # $ mkdir build && cd build # $ cmake -GNinja -DBOARD=qemu_cortex_a53 .. # $ ninja run # Alternative using West: # # $ west init testws # $ cd testws # $ west update # $ cd zephyr # $ west build --pristine=always -b qemu_cortex_a53 samples/hello_world # $ cd build # $ ninja run # Expected output for -b qemu_cortex_m3: # # *** Booting Zephyr OS version 2.4.99 *** # Hello World! qemu_cortex_a53 # More info: https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/getting_started/index.html