# Maintainer: Jan Houben # Contributor: Jesus Alvarez # # This PKGBUILD was generated by the archzfs build scripts located at # # http://github.com/archzfs/archzfs # pkgname="zfs-dkms-git" _commit='00f198de6b6ac663926bff2666d956a61cea85db' pkgdesc="Kernel modules for the Zettabyte File System." pkgver=2018.12.18.r4869.g00f198de6 pkgrel=1 makedepends=("git") arch=("x86_64") url="http://zfsonlinux.org/" source=("git+https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs.git#commit=${_commit}") sha256sums=("SKIP") license=("CDDL") depends=("zfs-utils-git=${pkgver}" "lsb-release" "dkms") provides=("zfs" "zfs-headers" "spl" "spl-headers") groups=("archzfs-dkms-git") conflicts=("zfs" "zfs-headers" "spl" "spl-headers") replaces=("spl-dkms-git") build() { cd "${srcdir}/zfs" ./autogen.sh } package() { dkmsdir="${pkgdir}/usr/src/zfs-git" install -d "${dkmsdir}" cp -a ${srcdir}/zfs/. ${dkmsdir} cd "${dkmsdir}" find . -name ".git*" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -fr -- scripts/dkms.mkconf -v git -f dkms.conf -n zfs chmod g-w,o-w -R . }