# Maintainer: Jesus Alvarez # # This PKGBUILD was generated by the archzfs build scripts located at # # http://github.com/archzfs/archzfs # # ! WARNING ! # # The archzfs packages are kernel modules, so these PKGBUILDS will only work with the kernel package they target. In this # case, the archzfs-linux-lts packages will only work with the default linux-lts package! To have a single PKGBUILD target # many kernels would make for a cluttered PKGBUILD! # # If you have a custom kernel, you will need to change things in the PKGBUILDS. If you would like to have AUR or archzfs repo # packages for your favorite kernel package built using the archzfs build tools, submit a request in the Issue tracker on the # archzfs github page. # # pkgbase="zfs-linux-lts" pkgname=("zfs-linux-lts" "zfs-linux-lts-headers") pkgver= pkgrel=1 makedepends=("linux-lts-headers=4.14.32" "libelf" "spl-linux-lts-headers") arch=("x86_64") url="http://zfsonlinux.org/" source=("https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/releases/download/zfs-0.7.8/zfs-0.7.8.tar.gz") sha256sums=("70ba0edd72914d4bfc9a9426cf26725e955a9509acbddb6902efb9eebb35f150") license=("CDDL") depends=("kmod" "spl-linux-lts" "zfs-utils-common=0.7.8" "linux-lts=4.14.32") build() { cd "${srcdir}/zfs-0.7.8" ./autogen.sh ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --sbindir=/usr/bin --libdir=/usr/lib \ --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --with-udevdir=/lib/udev \ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/zfs-0.7.8 --with-config=kernel \ --with-linux=/usr/lib/modules/4.14.32-1-lts/build \ --with-linux-obj=/usr/lib/modules/4.14.32-1-lts/build make } package_zfs-linux-lts() { pkgdesc="Kernel modules for the Zettabyte File System." install=zfs.install provides=("zfs") groups=("archzfs-linux-lts") conflicts=('zfs-linux-lts-git') cd "${srcdir}/zfs-0.7.8" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install cp -r "${pkgdir}"/{lib,usr} rm -r "${pkgdir}"/lib # Remove src dir rm -r "${pkgdir}"/usr/src } package_zfs-linux-lts-headers() { pkgdesc="Kernel headers for the Zettabyte File System." conflicts=('zfs-archiso-linux-headers' 'zfs-archiso-linux-git-headers' 'zfs-linux-hardened-headers' 'zfs-linux-hardened-git-headers' 'zfs-linux-lts-git-headers' 'zfs-linux-headers' 'zfs-linux-git-headers' 'zfs-linux-vfio-headers' 'zfs-linux-vfio-git-headers' 'zfs-linux-zen-headers' 'zfs-linux-zen-git-headers' ) cd "${srcdir}/zfs-0.7.8" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install rm -r "${pkgdir}/lib" # Remove reference to ${srcdir} sed -i "s+${srcdir}++" ${pkgdir}/usr/src/zfs-*/4.14.32-1-lts/Module.symvers }