# Maintainer: Nocifer # Contributor: Mesmer # Contributor: Troy Will # Contributor: /dev/rs0 # Contributor: Jacek Burghardt # Contributor: Vojtech Aschenbrenner # Contributor: Jason Gardner # Contributor: Ross melin # Contributor (Parabola): Márcio Silva # Contributor (Parabola): André Silva # Contributor: Charles Spence IV # Contributor: Joe Julian # Orginally based on a Debian Squeeze package ### Important notes for version 1.32 ### # # 1) git-clone for CakePHP and Crud sources was replaced with published precompiled packages, as follows: # - CakePHP-Enum-Behaviour is pulled from the ZoneMinder repo, because a change is needed that has not yet been merged upstream. # - Crud is pulled from its official repo, since Pull Request #582 has been merged as required by the ZoneMinder devs. # # 2) Apache was switched out in favor of Nginx. # # 3) By default, ZoneMinder now runs at localhost:8095 instead of localhost/zm (this can be changed by editing the provided Nginx conf file). # # 4) For the time being Nginx and MariaDB are hard-coded as dependencies. In the future I'll look into supporting different use cases. ####################################################################################################################### # # # Due to the many breaking changes in this release (both upstream and in the packaging), it's recommended to backup # # any existing ZoneMinder databases and perform a clean installation. Failure to do so may have very weird results. # # # ####################################################################################################################### pkgname=zoneminder pkgver=1.32.1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Free and open source CCTV software which supports IP, USB and analog cameras' arch=('x86_64') url='http://www.zoneminder.com' license=('GPLv2') depends=('polkit' 'ffmpeg' 'libmp4v2' 'mariadb' 'nginx-mainline' 'fcgiwrap' 'php-apcu' 'php-fpm' 'php-gd' 'perl-archive-zip' 'perl-data-dump' 'perl-date-manip' 'perl-dbd-mysql' 'perl-device-serialport' 'perl-file-slurp' 'perl-image-info' 'perl-json-any' 'perl-libwww' 'perl-mime-lite' 'perl-mime-tools' 'perl-number-bytes-human' 'perl-sys-meminfo' 'perl-sys-mmap' # Needed for ONVIF support 'perl-class-load' 'perl-data-uuid' 'perl-io-socket-multicast' 'perl-soap-wsdl' 'perl-xml-parser' # Needed for SSL support (otherwise zmupdate.pl complains there is no HTTPS support) 'perl-lwp-protocol-https' # Apparently needed for Telemetry support 'perl-json-maybexs' # Unverified dependencies. So far not installing them hasn't raised any red flags, but I can't be 100% sure whether they're leftovers from previous ZoneMinder incarnations or if they're needed for proper operation during runtime, so for the time being I'm leaving them in. 'perl-module-load-conditional' 'perl-net-sftp-foreign' 'perl-php-serialization' 'perl-sys-cpu' 'perl-uri-encode') makedepends=('cmake') optdepends=('vlc: provides libvlc (may achieve better performance with some cameras)' 'ffmpeg-full: provides libavresample (dropped from the official ffmpeg package)') conflicts=('zoneminder-git') backup=("etc/nginx/sites-available/$pkgname.conf") install=$pkgname.install source=("https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/archive/$pkgver.tar.gz" "https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/crud/archive/v3.2.0.tar.gz" "https://github.com/ZoneMinder/CakePHP-Enum-Behavior/archive/1.0-zm.tar.gz" "zoneminder-nginx.conf" "zoneminder-php.ini" "zoneminder.service" "zoneminder-tmpfile.conf") sha256sums=('a10c0c416e2127111b4d72f0046ed3a1f56708e3f4b48680848d755b01811d3c' '55be29e1eccb44d4ad0db8b23c37cec50f5341f8e498583d472ed1f0493876e3' 'dbd231e97b950c698f0f501d6a53c7291c9985e766b09e3afe00cfe69a969f44' 'fed9010e55426cf05779c6161936655c7423c177c3b0b466a93853a61c79f7fe' '7905ceddbb049de0f9bf4f1eb58779dfe310a65c4d2ec44854d592d4f31b6a72' 'aa34c9414341eecbda4cba1a3446cf5062ab5fddc06a7f999e71916437d5f88d' 'd1341338538f2ac771e6b1eee9aa48e8b0da4a140024c74bc33a9f6b52443bdd') prepare () { cd $pkgname-$pkgver # Move extra PHP plugins into place cp -R $srcdir/crud-3.2.0/* web/api/app/Plugin/Crud cp -R $srcdir/CakePHP-Enum-Behavior-1.0-zm/* web/api/app/Plugin/CakePHP-Enum-Behavior } build() { cd $pkgname-$pkgver cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DZM_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/$pkgname \ -DZM_CONFIG_SUBDIR=/etc/$pkgname/conf.d \ -DZM_RUNDIR=/run/$pkgname \ -DZM_SOCKDIR=/run/$pkgname \ -DZM_LOGDIR=/var/log/$pkgname \ -DZM_CONTENTDIR=/var/lib/$pkgname \ -DZM_CACHEDIR=/var/lib/$pkgname/cache \ -DZM_TMPDIR=/var/lib/$pkgname/temp \ -DZM_WEBDIR=/srv/$pkgname/www \ -DZM_CGIDIR=/srv/$pkgname/cgi-bin \ -DZM_WEB_USER=http . make } package() { cd $pkgname-$pkgver make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install # Set Polkit directory permissions in accordance with Arch policy chmod 750 $pkgdir/usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d chown root:polkitd $pkgdir/usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d # Create ZM_LOGDIR mkdir -p $pkgdir/var/log/$pkgname chown -R http:http $pkgdir/var/log/$pkgname chmod -R 775 $pkgdir/var/log/$pkgname # Create ZM_CONTENTDIR and its subfolders mkdir -p $pkgdir/var/lib/$pkgname/{cache,events,images,temp} chown -R http:http $pkgdir/var/lib/$pkgname chmod -R 775 $pkgdir/var/lib/$pkgname # Run script provided by upstream to create and/or link the needed folders with proper permissions ./zmlinkcontent.sh -z $pkgdir/etc/$pkgname/zm.conf -w $pkgdir/srv/$pkgname/www -l $pkgdir/var/log/$pkgname -t $pkgdir/var/lib/$pkgname/temp $pkgdir/var/lib/$pkgname # Link ZM_CGIDIR and ZM_CACHEDIR inside ZM_WEBDIR and set correct permissions ln -s /srv/$pkgname/cgi-bin $pkgdir/srv/$pkgname/www ln -s /var/lib/$pkgname/cache $pkgdir/srv/$pkgname/www chown -Rh http:http $pkgdir/srv/$pkgname # Set correct permissions for ZM_CONFIG_DIR & ZM_CONFIG_SUBDIR chmod -R 755 $pkgdir/etc/$pkgname chmod 644 $pkgdir/etc/$pkgname/zm.conf chmod 644 $pkgdir/etc/$pkgname/conf.d/* # Install Nginx configuration mkdir -p $pkgdir/etc/nginx/sites-{available,enabled} install -D -m 644 $srcdir/$pkgname-nginx.conf $pkgdir/etc/nginx/sites-available/$pkgname.conf ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/$pkgname.conf $pkgdir/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/$pkgname.conf # Install PHP-FPM custom .ini file mkdir -p $pkgdir/etc/php/conf.d/ install -D -m 644 $srcdir/$pkgname-php.ini $pkgdir/etc/php/conf.d/$pkgname.ini # Install systemd service mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system install -D -m 644 $srcdir/$pkgname.service $pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/$pkgname.service # Install systemd tmpfile mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d install -D -m 644 $srcdir/$pkgname-tmpfile.conf $pkgdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/$pkgname.conf # Copy license and database schemas install -D -m 644 COPYING $pkgdir/usr/share/license/$pkgname install -D -m 644 db/zm*.sql $pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/db }