If you are going to use apache, you can edit the file /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-davical.conf in your apache config if you want to have a vhost other than "localhost". Add the following in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf at the end: Include conf/extra/httpd-davical.conf Also make sure to uncomment the following in /etc/php/php.ini: extension=gettext.so extension=iconv.so extension=pdo_pgsql.so extension=pgsql.so Restart apache: sudo apachectl restart Rename /etc/davical/localhost-conf.php to xxx-conf.php if you named your vhost in httpd-davical.conf xxx and edit the file to your needs If you are installing postgresql for the first time start it first: sudo rc.d start postgresql This will create /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf Now edit this file to add the following at the end: local davical davical_dba trust local davical davical_app trust Restart postgresql: sudo rc.d restart postgresql Then create the davical database: first become root, then become user postgres. For example: sudo su su - postgres Then, you are ready to execute /srv/http/davical/dba/create-database.sh as the user postgres. IMPORTANT! Write down the password for the admin user that is displayed Logout of postgres user and root user after you have written down the admin user and password using: logout logout Use your browser to navigate to http://localhost/davical or the vhost you have edited in httpd-davical.conf Login using admin and the password that you written down above. More info about install and config: http://davical.org