# clevo-indicator-git This is an Arch Linux package forked from taner1's repository that lets you control the fan of Clevo laptops using reversed-engineering port information from ECView. ## Packages Used libappindicator-gtk3 to display the tray icon (works with all systems using GTK3) ## AUR link https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/clevo-indicator-git/ ### Install instructions #### Build and Install from the AUR (Arch Linux) The instructions for building and installing from the AUR are located here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_User_Repository#Installing_packages The package is called clevo-indicator-git. You will need the `git` package (sudo pacman -S git) to clone the AUR repository and source repository for installing! Basically, run the following commands (as a normal user, not as root): ```shell mkdir -p ~/Documents/aur cd ~/Documents/aur pacman -S --needed base-devel # run if these tools are not installed on your Arch Linux system already git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/clevo-indicator-git.git tar -xvf clevo-indicator-git.tar.gz cd clevo-indicator-git makepkg -si # or makepkg -s and sudo pacman -U [makepkg output .tar.gz] ``` You can also use pamac, a GUI installer for AUR packages (which is installed by default on some Arch Linux distros, e.g. Antergos and Manjaro). This package pulls the files from the latest git commit from the repository https://github.com/taner1/clevo-indicator, runs the makefile, and installs them to /usr/bin/clevo-indicator for use in the command line. **WARNING: THIS METHOD MAY BE UNSTABLE OR BREAK AT ANY TIME** #### Build and Install from Source (Ubuntu/Arch Linux/other distros) ```shell sudo apt-get install libappindicator-gtk3 git clone git@github.com:taner1/clevo-indicator.git cd clevo-indicator make install ``` ## Command-line documentation See the [DOCUMENTATION.md file](DOCUMENTATION.md).