# Dashlane CLI Git AUR package This project provides a command-line interface (CLI) for Dashlane, built with the local Node.js version installed. It is the GitHub version of the Dashlane CLI. ## Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the package up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. ### Prerequisites All tools required are installed on package installation. ### Installation Install the package using the `just` command: ```zsh just install ``` ## Usage You can use the `just __` command to perform various tasks: - `just build`: Build the package. - `just rebuild`: Rebuild the package. - `just install`: Install the package. - `just uninstall`: Uninstall the package. - `just test`: Test the package installation. - `just publish`: Publish the package. - `just push:` Push to the AUR remote. - `just dcli-bundle-version`: Check the version of the Dashlane CLI bundle. - `just dcli-bundle-sync`: Sync the Dashlane CLI bundle. - `just test-local`: Test the local build. - `just test`: Test the package installation. - `just clean`: Clean the Git repository. - `just clean-force`: Force clean the Git repository. - `just set-remote-master-to-aur-branch`: Set the remote master branch to the AUR branch. - `just remote-add-aur`: Add the AUR remote. - `just clone-empty-aur`: Clone the empty AUR repository. Use only the `just` command to see the list of available tasks: ```zsh just ``` ## Contributing Contributions are welcome. ## Versioning The versions are mirrored from the [Dashlane CLI repository](https://github.com/Dashlane/dashlane-cli.git) ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details. [Dashlane CLI repository](https://github.com/Dashlane/dashlane-cli.git) provides its own license.