# New ddev release: * Bump `pkgver` key in `PKGBUILD` * Update the `sha256sums` key appropriately * Do _not_ bump `pkgrel` key * `makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO` * Test that the package builds properly: `makepkg -s` * If everything is good, `git add .SRCINFO PKGBUILD && git commit -m "Bumping ddev-bin version"` * `git push` # Using Docker to perform the release If you're not running Arch as your main OS, you can perform the `makepkg` steps inside of a docker container like so: ```bash docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd),target=/tmp/ddev-bin --workdir=/tmp/ddev-bin -it archlinux:latest bash ``` Once the container comes up, you'll need to install a couple of things: ```bash pacman -Sy sudo binutils fakeroot docker docker-compose ``` You need sudo because `makepkg` refuses to run as root. `binutils` and `fakeroot` are dependencies of `makepkg` that are somehow not installed in the Docker image by default. `docker` and `docker-compose` are needed as dependencies of the `ddev-bin` package, but you don't need to do anything special with them other than install the packages so that `makepkg` doesn't complain. You'll also need to set a password for `nobody` because `fakeroot` uses `sudo`: ```bash passwd nobody ``` When you run `makepkg -s`, you'll be prompted for this password. Finally, you'll need to preface the `makepkg` steps with `sudo -u nobody`.