在Archlinux及衍生发行版上运行微信(WeChat) =======

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Deepin打包的微信(WeChat)容器移植到Archlinux,不依赖`deepin-wine`,包含定制的注册表配置,微信安装包替换为官方最新 - [安装](#安装) - [从AUR安装](#从aur安装) - [用安装包安装](#用安装包安装) - [本地打包安装](#本地打包安装) - [兼容性记录](#兼容性记录) - [切换到 `deepin-wine`](#切换到-deepin-wine) - [自动切换](#自动切换) - [手动切换](#手动切换) - [1. 安装 deepin-wine](#1-安装-deepin-wine) - [2. 修改 `deepin-wine-wechat` 的启动文件](#2-修改-deepin-wine-wechat-的启动文件) - [3. 对于非 GNOME 桌面(KDE, XFCE等)](#3-对于非-gnome-桌面kde-xfce等) - [4. 删除原先的微信目录](#4-删除原先的微信目录) - [5. 修复 `deepin-wine` 字体渲染发虚](#5-修复-deepin-wine-字体渲染发虚) - [常见问题](#常见问题) - [感谢](#感谢) - [更新日志](#更新日志) ## 安装 `deepin-wine-wechat`依赖`Multilib`仓库中的`wine`,`wine_gecko`和`wine-mono`,Archlinux默认没有开启`Multilib`仓库,需要编辑`/etc/pacman.conf`,取消对应行前面的注释([Archlinux wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Official_repositories#multilib)): ```diff # If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system, # enable the multilib repositories as required here. #[multilib-testing] #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist -#[multilib] -#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist +[multilib] +Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist ``` ### 从AUR安装 已添加到AUR [deepin-wine-wechat](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/deepin-wine-wechat/),可使用 `yay` 或 `yaourt` 安装: ```shell yay -S deepin-wine-wechat ``` ### 用安装包安装 > 由 [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/countstarlight/deepin-wine-wechat-arch) 在 Docker 容器 [mikkeloscar/arch-travis](https://hub.docker.com/r/mikkeloscar/arch-travis) 中自动构建的 ArchLinux 安装包 在[GitHub Release](https://github.com/countstarlight/deepin-wine-wechat-arch/releases)页面下载 `.pkg.tar.xz`后缀的安装包,使用`pacman`安装: ```bash sudo pacman -U #下载的包名 ``` ### 本地打包安装 ```shell git clone https://github.com/countstarlight/deepin-wine-wechat-arch.git cd deepin-wine-wechat-arch makepkg -si ``` * 运行应用菜单中创建的WeChat,开始安装 **注意:安装微信时不需要修改安装路径,如果修改默认路径,要对应修改 `deepin-wine-wechat` 的启动脚本:** `/opt/deepinwine/apps/Deepin-WeChat/run.sh` ```bash env WINEPREFIX="$WINEPREFIX" WINEDEBUG=-msvcrt $WINE_CMD "c:\\Program Files\\Tencent\\WeChat\\WeChat.exe" & ``` 改为修改后的安装路径,否则只有安装后第一次能够运行 * 安装完可直接启动 **注意:登录后请在`设置`里关闭微信的`自动更新`,微信启动时会检查更新并加载自动更新程序,由于默认屏蔽了微信的自动更新程序,会导致找不到更新程序而不能启动** ## 兼容性记录 | 微信版本 | wine版本 | 兼容性 | 备注 | deepin-wine版本 | 兼容性 | 备注 | | :-------: | :------: | :----: | :----------------------------------------------------------: | :-------------: | :----: | :--: | | | 5.3 | 部分 | 发送图片有问题: [#42](https://github.com/countstarlight/deepin-wine-wechat-arch/issues/42) | | | | | | 5.0-rc4 | 部分 | 发送图片有问题: [#42](https://github.com/countstarlight/deepin-wine-wechat-arch/issues/42) | | | | | | 4.19-1 | 部分 | 发送图片有问题: [#42](https://github.com/countstarlight/deepin-wine-wechat-arch/issues/42) | | | | | | 4.19-1 | 支持 | | | | | | | 4.18-1 | 部分 | 不能使用中文输入法 | | | | | | 4.18-1 | 部分 | 不能使用中文输入法 | 2.18_18-2 | ? | | | | 4.18-1 | 部分 | 不能使用中文输入法 | 2.18_18-2 | 不支持 | 闪退 | | | 4.17-1 | 部分 | 不能使用中文输入法 | 2.18_18-2 | 不支持 | 闪退 | | | 4.16-1 | 支持 | | 2.18_18-2 | 支持 | | ## 切换到 `deepin-wine` 由于原版 `wine` 在 [DDE(Deepin Desktop Environment)](https://www.deepin.org/dde/) 上,存在托盘图标无法响应鼠标事件([deepin-wine-tim-arch#21](https://github.com/countstarlight/deepin-wine-tim-arch/issues/21)),边框穿透显示([deepin-wine-wechat-arch#15](https://github.com/countstarlight/deepin-wine-wechat-arch/issues/15)), 无法截图等问题,且原版 `wine` 尚不能实现保存登录密码等功能,可以选择切换到 `deepin-wine`。 **注意:切换前先确保 `deepin-wine` 支持** 根据 [deepin-wine-wechat-arch#15](https://github.com/countstarlight/deepin-wine-wechat-arch/issues/15#issuecomment-515455845),[deepin-wine-wechat-arch#27](https://github.com/countstarlight/deepin-wine-wechat-arch/issues/27),由 [@feileb](https://github.com/feileb), [@violetbobo](https://github.com/violetbobo), [@HE7086](https://github.com/HE7086)提供的方法: ### 自动切换 ```bash /opt/deepinwine/apps/Deepin-WeChat/run.sh -d ``` 这会安装需要的依赖并移除已安装的微信目录 切换回 `wine`: ```bash rm ~/.deepinwine/Deepin-WeChat/deepin ``` 如果要卸载自动安装的依赖: ```bash sudo pacman -Rns deepin-wine gnome-settings-daemon lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate ``` ### 手动切换 #### 1. 安装 deepin-wine ```bash yay -S deepin-wine ``` #### 2. 修改 `deepin-wine-wechat` 的启动文件 修改如下两个文件中的 `WINE_CMD` 的值: `/opt/deepinwine/apps/Deepin-WeChat/run.sh` `/opt/deepinwine/tools/run.sh` ```diff -WINE_CMD="wine" +WINE_CMD="deepin-wine" ``` #### 3. 对于非 GNOME 桌面(KDE, XFCE等) 需要安装 `gnome-settings-daemon` ```bash sudo pacman -Sy gnome-settings-daemon ``` 并在 `/opt/deepinwine/apps/Deepin-WeChat/run.sh` 中加入如下几行: ```diff RunApp() { + if [[ -z "$(ps -e | grep -o gsd-xsettings)" ]] + then + /usr/lib/gsd-xsettings & + fi if [ -d "$WINEPREFIX" ]; then UpdateApp else ``` **注意:对 `/opt/deepinwine/apps/Deepin-WeChat/run.sh` 的修改会在 `deepin-wine-wechat` 更新或重装时被覆盖,可以单独拷贝一份作为启动脚本** #### 4. 删除原先的微信目录 ```bash rm -rf ~/.deepinwine/Deepin-WeChat ``` #### 5. 修复 `deepin-wine` 字体渲染发虚 ```bash yay -S lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate ``` **注意:切换到 `deepin-wine` 后,对 `wine` 的修改,如更改dpi,都改为对 `deepin-wine` 的修改** ## 常见问题 - [ ] 1.不能视频通话 - [x] 2.不能截图(切换到 `deepin-wine` 后解决) - [x] 3.在 2k/4k 屏幕下字体和图标都非常小, 参见[issue1](https://github.com/countstarlight/deepin-wine-tim-arch/issues/1) - [x] 4.使用全局截图快捷键和解决Gnome上窗口化问题,参见[issue2](https://github.com/countstarlight/deepin-wine-tim-arch/issues/2) ## 感谢 * [Wuhan Deepin Technology Co.,Ltd.](http://www.deepin.org/) ## 更新日志 * 2020-03-08 WeChat- * 2020-02-10 WeChat- * 2020-01-20 WeChat- * 2020-01-10 WeChat- * 2020-01-04 WeChat- * 2019-11-07 WeChat- * 2019-10-23 WeChat- * 2019-10-19 WeChat- * 2019-07-25 WeChat- * 2019-06-02 WeChat- * 2019-05-29 WeChat- * 2019-04-03 WeChat- * 2019-01-03 WeChat-2.6.2