# The better way of running Minecraft Without XWayland Because I **REALLY** had nothing better to do with my life. ## Requirements - A version of Minecraft >= 1.13 - Older versions use a version of LWJGL that doesn't work with this patch - MultiMC (or derivatives) (optional) - Other launchers (not the official one) might or might not have similar settings - If they don't, you can throw this into your Java arguments, changing the file path as needed depending on your distro: `-Dorg.lwjgl.glfw.libname=/usr/lib/libglfw.so` - A distro with a patched GLFW package - This guide has steps for Arch, Fedora, Gentoo, and Guix - Or the knowledge on how to patch packages in your distribution. - In which case you can skip step 2 of this guide, as it will not apply to you and you should know what to do with the `.patch` files in this repo already ## Side effects - Forge will not work without another workaround - The controls page (and anywhere a keyboard key is shown) is a bit wonky - Keys you replace through your compositor (example: `caps:swapescape`) will require you to use the original key - Originally made for Sway, other desktops (GNOME, for example) might need to manually makepkg the `libdecoration` branch for GNOME specific fixes or download an unofficial package listed below (until a new GLFW version releases) - KDE works on both branches, but with some [minor issues](https://github.com/Admicos/minecraft-wayland/issues/8#issuecomment-997155245) ## Step 1: Setting up MultiMC to use the system GLFW Go to `Settings` > `Minecraft`, and enable `Use system installation of GLFW`. If you have a Wayland-compatible version of GLFW installed (`glfw-wayland` on Arch) you can try launching the game. It will most likely error out with something about window focus not being supported. In that case, you are in the right direction. ## Step 2: Installing the patched GLFW library If you're not under a distro with a guide here, you're mostly on your own. You can try waiting for someone else to write a guide for your distro, I guess. ### Option 1: Use the AUR Install the `glfw-wayland-minecraft` package from the AUR. If you're using a desktop that needs it, try using the **unofficial** `glfw-wayland-minecraft-libdecoration` package, which packages the `libdecoration` branch of this repository to the AUR. ### Option 2: Build the PKGBUILD manually `git clone` this repository to somewhere, and run `makepkg -si` inside. It will ask you to replace your existing GLFW package if already installed. If you're using a desktop that needs it, consider running `git checkout libdecoration` before running `makepkg -si`. This is a (probably) slightly unstable version that works better on some desktops. ### Option 3: Install the Fedora package Install the Fedora package from https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/lyessaadi/minecraft-wayland-glfw/. See https://github.com/Admicos/minecraft-wayland/issues/4 for more information. You might need to change the Java arguments even if you are using a launcher that can replace GLFW. See [this issue](https://github.com/Admicos/minecraft-wayland/issues/14) for more details. ### Option 4: Patch the Gentoo package Patch Gentoo's GLFW package by following the guide at https://github.com/Admicos/minecraft-wayland/issues/6 ### Option 5: Install the Guix package Install the Guix package from https://github.com/Admicos/minecraft-wayland/issues/18 ## Step 3: There is no step 3 This should be it. Try launching Minecraft now and see if it works. ## Bonus: XWayland per instance If some version of Minecraft doesn't work with the patch enabled, you can disable it through MultiMC just for that version by - Right clicking on your instance - Clicking `Edit instance` - Going to `Settings` > `Workarounds` - Enabling `Native Libraries` override switch - Disabling the GLFW option You can also disable the global switch and enable the patch per instance if that's how you want to roll. ## Bonus: Making Forge work Due to "Forge being Forge", you will need to add `-Dfml.earlyprogresswindow=false` to your Java arguments to make Forge instances start up properly. See [issue #1](https://github.com/Admicos/minecraft-wayland/issues/1) for more information. ## Thanks To I really didn't do much on this other than "re-discovering" these things which aren't even that old. Here are the proper credits: - `ninja-` on GitHub - For https://github.com/glfw/glfw/pull/1725 - `annacrombie` on GitHub - For https://github.com/glfw/glfw/pull/1711 - `christianrauch` on GitHub - For https://github.com/glfw/glfw/pull/1693