# Gogs PKGBUILD files for different versions of Gogs (Go Git Service). ## Open points * ~~Systemd service support~~ * ~~better file structure~~ * ~~Publishing on https://aur.archlinux.org~~ * Test * MariaDB support * PostgreSQL support * ~~Test on armv6h (Raspberry Pi), armv7h (Cubieboard 2) and on x86_64~~ * Documentation for usage and configuration - Started with Archlinux Wiki page https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Gogs * ~~Read dependencies out of ".gopmfile"~~ ## Install ``` $ wget https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/go/gogs-*/gogs-*.tar.gz $ tar -xvzf //gogs-*.tar.gz $ cd $ makepkg $ pacman -U gogs-*.tgz ``` ## Configuration Enable and start systemd servicd ``` $ systemctl enable gogs.service $ systemctl start gogs.service ``` ## Logging After start of the service every log entry is over journalctl displayable. ``` $ journalctl -f -u gogs.service ```