# i3-auto-arrange Opening and closing many workspaces in `i3` can lead to gaps in numbering. Instead of rearranging them yourself, you can have `i3-auto-arrange` do it for you. ### Installation This script is available as an [AUR package](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/i3-auto-arrange). You can use an AUR helper such as `yay` to install it: yay -S i3-auto-arrange Or, to install from source: ``` git clone https://github.com/denis-ismailaj/i3-auto-arrange.git cd i3-auto-arrange makepkg sudo pacman -U i3-auto-arrange-*.pkg.tar.xz ``` > [!NOTE] > `i3-auto-arrange` depends on `jq` in order to parse the outputs of `i3-msg` ### Usage `i3-auto-arrange` is most useful when used as a keyboard shortcut. To do that, open your `i3` config file: vim ~/.config/i3/config # or ~/.i3/config and bind your preferred key combination to running `i3-auto-arrange`: bindsym exec i3-auto-arrange