# README A build of keepalived for openrc deployment - nothing fancy, nothing special. ### Install Most installations of this package will likely be on a server (which likely is not using or have a user account). If this is the case you can install as nobody user as follows: 1. install needed dependencies: `pacman -S gcc openssl libnl net-snmp git` 2. create a build directory and set it up to be owned by the nobody user ``` mkdir /home/build \ && chgrp nobody /home/build \ && chmod g+ws /home/build \ && setfacl -m u::rwx,g::rwx /home/build \ && setfacl -d --set u::rwx,g::rwx,o::- /home/build ``` 3. Now you can clone and build: ``` git clone https://gitlab.com/drad/keepalived.git \ && cd keepalived \ && sudo -u nobody makepkg -c \ && ls -lh keepalived*.zst ``` 4. Finally install: `pacman -U keepalived-openrc-{version-arch}.pkg.tar.zst` Optionally, you can installed the usual AUR way: ``` git clone https://gitlab.com/drad/keepalived.git \ && cd keepalived \ && makepkg -sirc ``` ### Update 1. Update & Build ``` cd /home/build/keepalived \ && git pull \ && sudo -u nobody makepkg -c \ && ls -lh keepalived*.zst ``` 2. Install: `pacman -U keepalived-openrc-{version-arch}.pkg.tar.zst` ### Remove Remove with: `pacman -R keepalived-openrc`