![version](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version- ![downloads](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/frantic1048/mu-archlinux/latest/total.svg?style=flat-square) # mu-archlinux Arch Linux package for [Kreogist ยต][project-page]. Since version 0.9.3:1, this package no longer contains pre-compiled binary. To install this package from AUR(will build Mu on your machine during installing): ```bash yaourt -S kreogist-mu ``` If you'd like skip the long building process. You could add [Archlinux CN community repository](https://github.com/archlinuxcn/mirrorlist-repo) to your pacman, there's exactly same AUR package pre-builded by community build machine. Once you add it, you can directly install via pacman without building on your machine. ```bash sudo pacman -S kreogist-mu ``` --- AUR Link : [https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kreogist-mu/](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kreogist-mu/) Project Home : [https://kreogist.github.io/Mu/][project-page] Source Code Repository: [https://github.com/Kreogist/Mu/](https://github.com/Kreogist/Mu/) [project-page]:https://kreogist.github.io/Mu/