# linux-raspberrypi4-aarch64 `linux-raspberrypi4-aarch64` is an Arch Linux PKGBUILD script to build a 64-bit kernel for the Raspberry Pi 4 from sources. AUR: Repo: Sourcehut: GitLab: GitHub: ## Kernel config Generated from `make bcm2711_defconfig` and enabling the following: ``` # sane cpufreq governor (normal default is powersave, locked to 600mhz) CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_ONDEMAND=y # required for mkinitcpio `encrypt` hook CONFIG_DM_INTEGRITY=m ``` This config supports a 32-bit userland by default. Tested with the Arch Linux ARM armv7h and aarch64 repositories. ~ esotericnonsense (Daniel Edgecumbe) ## Credits Original PKGBUILD and associated hooks taken from the Arch Linux ARM repo, maintained by Kevin Mihelich .