# LR2oraja Install LR2oraja with the default Beatoraja Skin, Bokutachi and `libjportaudio.so`. ## Install ```sh yay -Syu lr2oraja ``` ## Manual Install ```sh git clone https://github.com/pfych/lr2oraja-pkgbuild cd ./lr2oraja-pkgbuild makepkg sudo pacman -U ``` ## Updating the AUR package 1. Update the `pkgver` to the latest build release tag 2. Change `pkgrel` to current release (1 if a new `pkgver`) 3. Update the checksum `sha256sum LR2oraja.zip` 4. `makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO` ### Testing 1. `makepkg` 2. `sudo pacman -U lr2oraja-build.pkg.tar.zst` 3. Run & Test the game still functions