## Intro A library (IME) which enables one to type in a variety of scripts. This is a fork of m17n-db modified with files from m17n-db (see url) for convenience of Indian (esp. sanskrit, kannada) users. This fork was created because we found contributing m17n-db delay-prone and unreliable. To contribute to our fork, please send pull requests to . ## Tech info - AUR package location: - Package source code locations: - git clone git@github.com:sanskrit-coders/m17n-db-indic-aur.git - git clone ssh://aur@aur.archlinux.org/m17n-db-indic.git ## Creating a new Arch Linux package release - Update PKGBUILD. - Fix the version numbers. - Verify package by running `makepkg -si`. - Update AUR repository. - Set remote: `git remote add origin ssh://aur@aur.archlinux.org/m17n-db-indic.git` - Generate or update .SRCINFO with `makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO` - Push to the AUR repo. (Even a single invalid commit will cause rejection.)