# Arch User Repository nginx-passenger-git ### Maintainer: [illuser](mailto:lykouleon.eve@gmail.com) ## Goals * Maintain PKGBUILD symmetrically with [[extra/nginx]](https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/nginx) * Avoid PKGBUILD bloat and unnecessary dependencies * [Freedom](https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Freedom) ## Sources * [Nginx Stable](http://nginx.org/en/download.html) * [Phusion Passenger](https://github.com/phusion/passenger) ## Dependencies * openssl * pcre * zlib * geoip * ruby * hardening-wrapper (make) * git (make) ## Optional Dependencies * nodejs: Support for webapps running on nodejs * iojs: Support for webapps running on nodejs, using iojs's fork of nodejs * python: Support for webapps running on python (django, grok, flask, pylons, pyramid...) * meteorjs: Support for webapps running on meteorjs * clang: Faster compiling of nginx * ccache: Faster re-compiling of nginx ## Installation From AUR4 ```bash yaourt -S nginx-passenger-git packer -S nginx-passenger-git aura -A nginx-passenger-git ``` From source ```bash git clone https://github.com/illuser/aur-nginx-passenger-git cd aur-nginx-passenger-git makepkg # --clean --syncdeps --install (sudo) pacman -U nginx-passenger-git*.pkg.tar.xz ``` ## Licenses * [nginx](http://nginx.org/LICENSE) * [Phusion Passenger](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phusion/passenger/stable-5.0/LICENSE)