## Approved, unofficial repo of [Nordlayer](https://nordlayer.com) VPN package for Linux (esp [ArchLinux](https://archlinux.org/)) ## Important! ## #### This repository is now archived as I am no longer a nordlayer user and #### #### hence will not be able to maintain it. You are welcome to fork it if interested #### To check if the repo is upto date with the official [Nordlayer](https://nordlayer.com), run the following from console/terminal.
Make sure [curl](https://curl.se/) is installed on your system. ``` curl https://downloads.nordlayer.com/linux/latest/version -w "\n" ``` For any issues, please create an issue or [Add comment here](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nordlayer) For Arch Linux Users, * Clone this repo * Change to cloned repo ```cd nordlayer``` * MakePkg ```makepkg -si``` * Install Package ```sudo pacman -U "package_name_pkg.tar.zst"``` where package_name_pkg.tar.zst is the name of package generated from makepkg -si ### Thanks! ###