# archlinux-overlayroot With _overlayroot_ you can overlay your root filesystem with a temporary tmpfs filesystem to mount it read-only afterwards. Any changes are written to the tmpfs filesystem (which resides in memory), so that these changes are discarded on reboot or a loss of power does not threaten the integrity of the system's root filesystem. Additionally you can configure further filesystems that you want either overlayed by a tmpfs filesystem, too or mounted read-only because write access is not needed and you want to protect it against changes. ## 1. Installation ### 1.1 Building Package - change your current working directory to the directory containing the files of the repository - run `makepkg` #### 1.2 Install Package - build or download package - run `pacman -U ///overlayroot--any.pkg.tar.zst` ## 2. Configuration ### 2.1 Initramfs - add `overlay` to __MODULES__ array in mkinitcpio.conf (in case support for OverlayFS is not statically compiled into your kernel) - add `overlayroot` to the end of __HOOKS__ array in mkinitcpio.conf - update initramfs with `mkinitcpio -P` ### 2.2 Kernel Command Line - add `overlayroot` to your kernel command line - optional: - add `opts=