# reScribe CLI reScribe > cli for interacting with rescribe api (binary version AUR) [Web](https://rescribe.dev) | [Docs](https://docs.rescribe.dev) | [Status](https://status.rescribe.dev) Connect to reScribe through the command line, allowing for file indexing and account management. The reScribe platform enables high-performance searching through public repositories and your own, increasing productivity and enabling better collaboration and sharing. Each time you commit a change, reScribe indexes your code based on the default configuration or a custom one defined in the `.rescriberc.yml` file, enabling you to search for it in the future. ## Features - **Index your code and view live changes** Save your code to the reScribe search engine, ensuring secure indexing and reliable search. - **Automate indexing** Use the reScribe cli to create scripts for indexing files automatically. - **And much more!** reScribe includes many features for collaborating, searching, and sharing with friends, enabling you to find the code you want when you need it.