## Command line stock and cryptocurrency portfolio tracker. #### How to install: Before installation, make sure all dependencies are installed: * curl * json-c * ncurses ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/aokellermann/tick.git $ cd tick $ make $ sudo make install ``` If you are an Arch user, you can install from the AUR. ```bash $ yaourt -S tick ``` #### Usage To update your portfolio, use the options add, rm, or set. You may use the special string "USD$" to add US Dollars to your portfolio. ```bash $ tick [add/rm/set] [symbol/crypto_id/USD$] [quantity of shares] [USD spent] ``` For example, to add 3 shares of Tesla bought for $918.12 total, run ```bash $ tick add tsla 3 918.12 ``` You can also specify the price per share instead of total spent: ```bash $ tick add tsla 3 306.04ea ``` The parameter "add" will add your input to the current portfolio, "rm" will subtract from your current portfolio, and "set" will set your portfolio to the input, discarding any existing data about that security. Trading costs/fees should be factored into your USD spent. When adding a cryptocurrency to your portfolio, you must use the cryptocurrency's name. For instance, to add Ripple, you must use "ripple" instead of "xrp". This is due to some cryptocurrency tickers also being listed on the stock market, such as ETH. To get info about your current holdings, run ```bash $ tick check [symbol/crypto_id/all] ``` The string "all" will list your entire portfolio, as well as produce a grand total. Running "check" with no other arguments will also list your entire portfolio. To get the top three news articles on a specific stock or cryptocurrency, you can run ```bash $ tick news [symbol] ``` If you wish to use spaces in your input, you can either surround the phrase with quotes or replace spaces with underscores. As of version 1.7, the portfolio file has been reconstructed and formatted in JSON. To convert your existing portfolio, run ```bash $ tick convert ``` You may encrypt your portfolio using the RC4 algorithm ```bash $ tick encrypt ``` and decrypt it with ```bash $ tick decrypt ``` You can modify and check your portfolio without explicitly decrypting it. Once installed, you may read the man page for more information. #### License MIT License Stock information is taken from IEX's free API. Mutual fund and over-the-counter information is taken from and Morningstar's free API. Cryptocurrency information is taken from Coinmarketcap's free API. News information is taken from News API. Shortened links are provided by Google's URL Shortener API. Please do not abuse the APIs by repeatedly requesting information. Read the provided license for more information. #### Future Ideas/To-do * Command to get info about a security * Historical support -- 7d/28d profits * Different ways to sort "check all" * Look for API to replace Morningstar for MUTF/OTCMKTS data, preferably with intraday data * DEB/RPM package * List whether stock/etf/mutual fund/crypto/etc. in portfolio for less API calls and portfolio distribution (tried to implement, but IEX API is unpredictable; wait for v2) * Make printouts pretty with ncurses?? * Check without re-encrypting * Make strip char work in place instead of allocing * Format prices with commas (locale)