# un-apple-keyboard Make Apple keyboards like all your other keyboards This solutions combines custom udevs rules, changes to parameters of the apple_hid linux kernel driver, and keyfuzz, a tool written by Lennart Poettering, manipulating scancode/keycode translation tables of keyboard drivers supporting the Linux input layer API. From the [keyfuzz help page](http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/keyfuzz/): > keyfuzz is not a daemon like Gnome acme which reacts on special hotkeys but a tool to make non-standard keyboards compatible with such daemons. keyfuzz should be run once at boot time, the modifications it makes stay active after the tool quits until reboot. keyfuzz does not interact directly with XFree86. However, newer releases of the latter (4.1 and above) rely on the Linux input API, so they take advantage of the fixed translation tables. ## Name [The `un-` prefix is used in English to express the contrary, the opposite, the sense "not"](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/un-#English). This is what this package does: with it, your keyboard is not an Apple keyboard anymore. ## License This solution was initially written by [Tavian Barnes](https://github.com/tavianator), but I took maintainership of his [AUR package](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/un-apple-keyboard/) as he is not using an Apple keyboard anymore. [DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE](LICENSE)