# # README.pkg # # # INSTALL: # To complete the installation, run: cd /usr/share/webapps/nfsen su -c "./install.pl /etc/nfsen/nfsen.conf" # # UPDATES: # If you edited /etc/nfsen.conf you also need to run: cd /usr/share/webapps/nfsen su -c "./install.pl /etc/nfsen/nfsen.conf" # # WEB: # If you want to use the nginx to access the web, run: sudo pacman -S nginx php-fpm Edit /etc/php/php.ini: Remove comment from ";extension=sockets.so" string Set up virtualhost in nginx An example of the setting for nginx is in the file /usr/share/doc/nfsen/vhost-nginx.conf And run: sudo systemctl start nginx php-fpm If you are using a web server Apache you know what to do :) # # PROFILES: # To build a profile by protocols, run: sudo create_top_protocols --consumers 8 --divide-up-down --profile-name top_8_protocols To build a profile in the directions, run: sudo create_top_directions --consumers 10 --divide-up-down --profile-name top_10_directions WARNING!!! - Required file /etc/nfsen/asnum.desc It should look something like this: cat /etc/nfsen/asnum.desc 42140 DISPLAY-AS 42141 GERMES-TELECOM-AS 42142 ANPM 42144 NTIK-AS 42145 BSTV-AS 42146 UNICA-BRANCH 42147 GISADTELEKOM 42148 BEIREL-AS # # End README.pkg: