************************ ** CONFIGURATION ** ************************ * In order to use android, you should define in your bashrc, zshrc, whateverrc : export NDK_ROOT=/opt/android-ndk export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/opt/android-sdk export ANT_ROOT=/usr/bin (Each path came with package aur/android-ndk aur/android-sdk and extra/apache-ant) * Use "cocos" wrapper to create, compile, run your project... "cocos" will echo you basic command "cocos command" will echo you basic parameter for "command" Basic setup : cocos new -l cpp -p com.firm.app myapp cd myapp cocos run -p android -j3 cocos run -p linux -j3 Alternative 1 : cocos new -l cpp -p com.firm.app myapp mkdir linux-build && cd linux-build cmake .. ../bin/debug/linux/MyGame Alternative 2 (howewer compile failed near 70% on unfound malloc/free): export CC=/usr/bin/clang export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ cocos new -l cpp -p com.firm.app myapp mkdir linux-build && cd linux-build cmake -G Ninja -DCLANG=ON .. ../bin/debug/linux/MyGame * Personnal preference (working on 3.5, to adujst if necessary) : You can edit myapp/CMakeLists.txt to adjust personnal preference (and speed up compile time, avoiding unnecessary things) Here my personnal customisation : set(DEBUG_MODE OFF CACHE BOOL "Debug or release? Release!") set(BUILD_EXTENSIONS OFF CACHE BOOL "Turn off build extension library") set(BUILD_EDITOR_SPINE OFF CACHE BOOL "Turn off build editor support for spine") set(BUILD_EDITOR_COCOSTUDIO OFF CACHE BOOL "Turn off build editor support for cocostudio") set(BUILD_EDITOR_COCOSBUILDER OFF CACHE BOOL "Turn off build editor support for cocosbuilder") set(BUILD_CPP_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Turn off build TestCpp samples") set(BUILD_LUA_LIBS OFF CACHE BOOL "Turn off build lua libraries") set(BUILD_LUA_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Turn off build TestLua samples") I think that's all for the moment. I hope you'll enjoy as mush as I am !