HOTP-TOTP.PHP v4.4.1 ==================== Introduction ------------ This project consists of two PHP files: * index.php * index_oauth.php These files generate HTML forms that can be used to generate one-time password values based on: * HOTP: An HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm (rfc4226) * TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm (rfc6238) * OCRA: OATH Challenge-Response Algorithm (rfc6287) Further, it also supports the client side of the OAuth protocols (1.0a and 2.0). How to Use ---------- 1. Copy `index.php' and `index_oauth.php' to a location readable by a PHP-aware web server, such as ~/public_html in your home directory (assuming `User Home Directories' are enabled). 2. Open `index.php' in your web-browser. 3. Read the instructions on the generated page, choose the appropriate algorithm and click "NOW!" Notes ----- A newer GSMA-side Mobile Connect version has been published since this version of HOTP-TOTP.PHP was released. The next release of this software will include new GSM-specific OpenID Connect code. Thank you!