## 3.2.0 * improved dispensal of libexec products ## 3.1.0 * rewrote mulle-dispense-mv-force script to support Windows better # 3.0.0 * big function rename to ``::``::`` to make it easier to read hopefully * uses mulle-bashfunctions 4 now * can now run under zsh if bash is not available ### 2.0.2 * Various small improvements ### 2.0.1 * installer verbose toggle # 2.0.0 * mulle-dispense now copies instead of moves per default, which is basically what was advertised all along ... * use the --move option on the dispense command to move as before * use ``MULLE_DISPENSE_SEARCH_LIB_PATH`` and related environment variables to tweak the search path for build products * the various ``MULLE_DISPENSE_SEARCH_``_PATH`` variables may also reference files, ## 1.2.0 * changed to mulle-bashfunctions 2 call convention * moved to mulle-bashfunctions v2 ### 1.0.2 * hack change version to 1.0.1 because of a debian problem ### 0.6.3 * small beauty fixes in code ### 0.6.2 * a bit less verbose ### 0.6.1 * improve README.md, miniscule code improvements ## 0.6.0 * tune what gets dispensed with commandline parameters like --no-headers ### 0.5.1 * mulle-dispense does not wrongly assert the pathname 'sanity' of the source anymore ## 0.5.0 * use `r_` functions of mulle-bashfunctions 1.8.0 ## 0.4.0 * fix test for mingw ### 0.3.2 * add missing quotes around string ### 0.3.1 * less verbose ## 0.3.0 * add --header-dir option ### 0.2.22 * small code change ### 0.2.21 * capitalize an error message properly ### 0.2.20 * add `._.DS_Store` to .gitignore ### 0.2.19 * quote more case patterns to avoid extglob surprises ### 0.2.18 * use `LC_ALL=C` for sort ### 0.2.17 * remove file from git ### 0.2.16 * simplify README ### 0.2.15 * improved brew formula definition ### 0.2.14 * fix package dependencies more ### 0.2.13 * fix package dependencies ### 0.2.12 * fix homebrew install ruby script ### 0.2.11 * rename install to installer, because of name conflict ### 0.2.10 * rename install.sh to install ### 0.2.9 * CMakeLists.txt CMakePackage.txt LICENSE Makefile README.md RELEASENOTES.md build install.chk install.sh mulle-dispense mulle-dispense.sublime-project mulle-dispense.sublime-workspace mulle-project src tests tmp.4G7WECAI tmp.Cm9FA2Yu tmp.H70JmUwp tmp.OMcvmXX1 tmp.RPTGbiBb tmp.T7CWYggR tmp.XRatwWEH tmp.gKzio3Kf tmp.nJXgwker tmp.wXAYgWwu simplified CMakeLists.txt ### 0.2.8 * fix potential bug in test ### 0.2.7 * remove `MULLE_EXECUTABLE_FAIL_PREFIX` ### 0.2.6 * miniscule code improvement ### 0.2.5 * use proper `DEPENDENCY_DIR` and `MULLE_UNAME` ### 0.2.4 * small cleanup ### 0.2.3 * unify mulle-bashfunctions usage and help ### 0.2.2 * * fix option handling for project ## 0.2.0 * use `MULLE_USAGE_NAME`