0.8.7 - Dec 23, 2011 First public release (alpha) 0.8.8 - Jan 2012 introduced warn=boolean to Rally instantiation removed inflate=boolean in Rally instantiation 0.8.9 - Jan 2012 putative fix for proxy support 0.8.10 - Feb 2012 better fix for proxy support 0.8.11 - Mar 24, 2012 better support for default workspace/project when user profile doesn't specify a default fixed assignment of ref value in _createShellArtifact (_ref no longer has the .js on end...) 0.8.12 - Mar 26, 2012 fixed fatal premature exercise of iterator on response in context check, defer to _getDefaults 0.9.1 - July 9, 2012 Upped default WSAPI version in config.py to 1.30 All entities that are subclasses of WorkspaceDomainObject now have a details method that show the attribute values in an easy to read multiline format. Dropped attempted discrimination of server value to determine if it is a name or an IPv4 address No longer look for http_proxy in environment, only https_proxy. Introduced convenience methods dealing with attachments 0.9.2 - October 1, 2012 Fixed getProject method to take an optional name parm. Added HTTP header item in config.py to set Content-Type to 'application/json' Added keyword arg to restapi.Rally __init__ method to allow specifying a verify_ssl_cert=True/False value to requests.session creation, This results is passing on the the requests.session call a verify flag that it uses to determine whether or not checking the SSL certificate is desired. Modified the details method in entity.py to be more resilient by bypassing attributes that an item might have but doesn't have as a query fetch spec didn't include all potential attributes. Fixed addAttachment to specify Attachment size as size of original attachment file rather than the size of the base64 encoding result. 0.9.3 - October 7, 2012 Fixed Pinger class to use correct ping options on Linux and Windows platforms. Updated exception catching and raising to use Python 2.6/2.7 compliant syntax. 0.9.4 - October 2013 Upped default WSAPI version to 1.43. Tested against requests 2.0.0 which now support https via proxy. Updated pyral.restapi.Rally to accommodate requests versions 0.x, 1.x and 2.x. Fixed construction of multi-condition queries and broke out query construction into a separate code file. Support for Rally dyna-types (PortfolioItem/ where subtype is one of Theme, Initiative or Feature. Added UserIterationCapacity, Fixed the *CumulativeFlowData entity names. Added internal facility to accept Rally reference identifiers in a list form and convert them to a list of dicts with each dict containing a key-value pair for '_ref' and associated value. Added a details method for any WorkspaceDomain derived entity instance. 1.0.0 - May 2014 Upped default WSAPI version to v2.0 and stated in docs that prior WSAPI versions (1.x) were no longer supported. 1.0.1 - June 2014 Patch to address flaw in WSAPI v2.0 projects collection endpoint having a mismatch between TotalResultCount and actual information about projects. 1.1.0 - August 2014 Introduction of support for Rally API Key, along with rallyWorkset convenience method to superced rallySettings. Defects fixed related to internalizing environment in rallySettings (and rallyWorkset) and in getting allowed values for Rally types. 1.1.1 - March 2015 Fixed return value for updating a PortfolioItem sub-type instance. Added the Milestone entity to the list of instantiable entities. Added ability to query RecycleBin entries. Added basic search method to Rally instance. 1.1.2 - February 2016 internal release only minor style mods for Pinger fixed handling of proxy value under some edge conditions exploratory support for Python 3.5 1.2.0 - Oct 2016 support for Python 3.5 allow instantiation option to bypass use of Pinger changed header to reflect change of company name to CA Technologies added ranking convenience methods modified handling of attribute allowedValues for better create/update performance allow instantiation option to work with only one workspace for better performance for Subscriptions with large number of Workspaces fix addAttachment handling to allow binary files and increase size limit to 50MB. 1.2.1 - Oct 2016 Added mention that the six package is required. Fixed context setup for proper handling when a user has no default workspace/project settings. Corrected handling of allowedValues for attributes when the single allowedValue is a boolean value. Added an allowedValues.py example script. 1.2.2 - Nov 2016 Allow for disambiguating Project amongst name duplications by means of using fully qualified path. Incorporated suggestion on preserving case name of custom PortfolioItem sub-item. Fixed discrepancy of docs versus code on default pagesize, now is actually 200 everywhere. Fix location of download package in GitHub repo. 1.2.3 - Dec 2016 Fixed restapi.py Rally.getAllowedValues method to accommodate custom fields Allow attribute payload for put and post to have a list of pyral.Entity instances as values for an attribute that is of type COLLECTION. 1.2.4 - Mar 2017 Fixed handling of projectScopeUp and projectScopeDown keyword arguments in Rally.get operation. Fixed Peristable's __getattr__ method to more properly handle getting the salient item out of a response to a getResourceByOID request when the item retrieved is a PortfolioItem sub-type. Fixed defect in SchemaItemAttribute where self._allowed_values_resolved was not always set. Fixed defect in RallyRestResponse in __repr__ method where on a response that has no qualifying items an attempt is made to get the Results out of the returned response without going through the QueryResult key. 1.3.0 - Apr 2017 Introduced automatic multi-threading for Rally.get operation to speed up retrieval of large result sets. Implemented step two of the Pinger deprecation plan, ping=False is the new default. Increased default page size to 500. Maximum useful page size limit is 2000 but 1000 seems to be the sweet spot for multithreading requests. Fixed Rally.getAllUsers so that non subscription admin accounts can see the user list. Updated recommendation for version of requests package. 1.3.1 - Apr 2017 Adjusted getAllowedValues so that custom fields with an allowedValues endpoint get resolved. Disqualifed a group of standard attributes whose allowedValue is of type COLLECTION when retrieving allowed values in SchemaItem.complete(). This is primarily relevant only to attributes defined as Drop Down List or Multi Value Drop Down List. Fixed mechanism of supplying headers dict to Rally instantiation so that the X-RallyIntegration* headers get overwritten with supplied headers (for name, vendor, version) to better identify the origin of the integration. Updated official name to reference Agile Central in setup.py, mention threads keyword arg in the get method in the the interface.rst file. 1.3.2 - Aug 2017 Allow for initial connection using a workspace name containing chars that need to be urlencoded. 1.4.2 - Aug 2018 1.5.0 - Feb 2021 Dropped all support for Python 2.7 constructs. Validated support for Python 3.7 and 3.8. Updated/fixed some doc verbiage. Fixed retrieval of attachments. Fixed return value of call to create an instance of a PortfolioItem custom sub-type. Fixed defect in returning correct number of items when the start index is specified as an integer. Fixed defect where a feature item could not be added to a Milestones collection Fixed defect in query construction (and results) when a target attribute value contains a '&' character. 1.5.1 - Jul 2021 Fixed query builder to accommodate subset criteria (in | !in) and range criteria (between | !between). Dropped mention of Python 3.5 as a supported version in PKG-INFO. Added mention of Python 3.9 as a supported version in PKG-INFO. Excised all mentions of AgileCentral in the docs, replaced by 'Rally'. 1.5.2 - Jul 2021 Fixed query builder so that multi-condition queries thet include subset or range conditions are constructed correctly. Dropped all code related to ping functionality.