[Desktop Entry] Comment[en_US]=WorldEditor (WED) is a CAD-like graphic editor that lets you create custom airport layouts. It is designed for X-Plane, and works with apt.dat version 850 and higher. Comment=WorldEditor (WED) is a CAD-like graphic editor that lets you create custom airport layouts. It is designed for X-Plane, and works with apt.dat version 850 and higher. Exec=WED GenericName[en_US]=Airport Layout Creator GenericName=Airport Layout Creator Icon=WorldEditor MimeType= Name[en_US]=WorldEditor Name=WorldEditor Path= StartupNotify=true Terminal=false TerminalOptions= Type=Application X-DBUS-ServiceName= X-DBUS-StartupType= X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false X-KDE-Username= Categories=Game;Simulation;