enable_def_module(){ a2enmod -q log_config a2enmod -q alias a2enmod -q autoindex a2enmod -q dir a2enmod -q env a2enmod -q mime a2enmod -q negotiation a2enmod -q setenvif a2enmod -q status a2enmod -q auth_basic a2enmod -q deflate # Those come from mod_auth: a2enmod -q authz_default a2enmod -q authz_user a2enmod -q authz_groupfile a2enmod -q authn_file # This comes from mod_access: a2enmod -q authz_host # enable default site a2ensite -q default } post_install() { cat <<- HERE Now you can modify the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.example and rename to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf To test the configuration use apachectl -t. For more read: man 8 a2ensite a2enmod. HERE enable_def_module } post_upgrade() { echo "" # enable_def_module } op=$1 shift $op $* # vi:set ts=2 sw=2 et: