# Colored makepkg-like functions msg_blue() { printf "${blue}==>${bold} $1${all_off}\n" } note() { printf "${blue}==>${yellow} NOTE:${bold} $1${all_off}\n" } all_off="$(tput sgr0)" bold="${all_off}$(tput bold)" blue="${bold}$(tput setaf 4)" yellow="${bold}$(tput setaf 3)" post_install() { systemctl is-active add-autologin-group >/dev/null || systemctl enable add-autologin-group echo "" note "We have enabled autologin for all users." note "Reboot your system the first time, so changes will take affect." echo "" } post_upgrade() { post_install } post_remove() { ! systemctl is-active add-autologin-group >/dev/null || systemctl disable add-autologin-group grep autologin /etc/group if [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]]; then groupdel autologin >/dev/null else echo "" note"Autologin group already removed" echo "" echo "" note "We have disabled autologin for all users and removed autologin group." note "Reboot your system, so changes will take affect." echo "" fi }