post_install() { post_upgrade echo ">>> 1. Ensure this machine's hostname is a FQDN that resolves one of its IP addresses:" echo " $ ip addr | grep inet | sed --regexp-extended 's/ *inet6? ([^\\/]*).*/\1/' | \\" echo " grep --quiet $(resolveip $(hostname) | cut --fields=6 --delimiter=' ') && echo Success!" echo ">>> 2. Ensure the http user and group exist (i.e. uid=gid=33):" echo " $ test \$(id --user http) -eq 33 -a \$(id --group http) -eq 33 && echo Success!" echo ">>> 3. Ensure PHP can successfully send outgoing emails (the supplied msmtprc template works for Google accounts):" echo " $ php -r 'mail(\"\", \"Test email from PHP\", \"Test email body.\");'" echo ">>> 4. Setup the MySQL instance (by running mysql_secure_installation, or the following shell commands):" echo " # systemctl start mysqld" echo " $ mysql --user=root --execute=\"" echo " DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='';" echo " DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='root' AND Host NOT IN ('localhost', '', '::1');" echo " DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test;" echo " DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db='test' OR Db='test\\_%';" echo " FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\"" echo ">>> 5. (opt) Create a aegir MySQL user:" echo " $ mysql --user=root \\" echo " --execute=\"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'aegir'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'passwd' WITH GRANT OPTION;\"" echo ">>> 6. Install hostmaster as the aegir user through its drush provision command:" echo " # su aegir -c \\" echo " \"drush hostmaster-install --yes --web_group=http --http_service_type=nginx \\" echo " --root=/var/lib/aegir/hostmaster --aegir_db_user=aegir --aegir_db_pass=passwd \\" echo " --aegir_host=\$(hostname) --client_email=aegir@\$(hostname) \$(hostname)\"" echo ">>> 7. Connect nginx to the Unix socket used by php-fpm:" echo " # su aegir -c \"sed -i 's/\\/run\\/php-fpm\\/php-fpm.sock/' /var/lib/aegir/config/includes/nginx_vhost_common.conf\"" echo ">>> 8. Start the entire web stack:" echo " # systemctl start mysqld nginx php-fpm" echo ">>> 9. (opt) Enable and start the hosting queue daemon:" echo " # su aegir -c \"drush @hostmaster pm-enable hosting_queued\" && systemctl start aegir" } post_upgrade() { [ getent passwd aegir &>/dev/null ] || useradd --uid 696 --gid http --home-dir /var/lib/aegir aegir chmod 755 /var/lib/aegir pwconv }