B='\033[1;36m' # Bold cyan C='\033[0;36m' # Cyan R='\033[0m \a' # Reset all colors and ring a bell call_to_action() { echo -e "$C" echo -e " +-$B=[ alacritty-themes ]=$C------------------------------------------------------------------+" echo " | |" echo " | If you don't have any config run 'alacritty-themes --create'. |" echo " | |" echo " | You can, |" echo " | run this app by executing 'alacritty-themes' on your terminal |" echo " | star the project at : https://github.com/rajasegar/alacritty-themes |" echo " | vote the AUR package at : https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/alacritty-themes |" echo " | report issue about packaging : https://github.com/z00rat/AUR/issues |" echo " | report issue about the app at : https://github.com/rajasegar/alacritty-themes/issues |" echo " | |" echo " +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+" echo -e "$R" } after_remove() { echo -e "$C" echo -e " +-$B=[ alacritty-themes ]=$C---------------------------------------------------------+" echo " | |" echo " | This package doesn't create any file, no need to delete any files manually. |" echo " | |" echo " +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+" echo -e "$R" } post_install() { call_to_action } post_upgrade() { call_to_action } post_remove() { after_remove }