post_install() { # Add anope user and group if they don't exist getent group anope &>/dev/null || groupadd -r anope >/dev/null getent passwd anope &>/dev/null || useradd -r -g anope -d /var/lib/anope -s /bin/false -c anope anope >/dev/null # Make sure log directory is writable by the anope user chown anope:anope /var/log/anope echo "To configure anope, copy /etc/anope/example.conf to" echo "/etc/anope/services.conf and edit it to your liking." echo echo "The systemd service uses a value of /run/anope/" echo "by default. When editing your services.conf file, be" echo "sure to set the location of the PID file to this value." } post_remove() { # Delete the anope user and group # This might fail if anope is running. Need to check this. getent passwd anope &>/dev/null && userdel anope >/dev/null getent group anope &>/dev/null && groupdel anope >/dev/null }