#include "api.h" Ref_Data* api_ref_data_init_from_length(size_t length) { Ref_Data* pRef_Data = malloc(sizeof(Ref_Data)); pointer_alloc_check(pRef_Data); pRef_Data->symbols = malloc(length * sizeof(char*)); pRef_Data->names = malloc(length * sizeof(char*)); pointer_alloc_check(pRef_Data->symbols); pointer_alloc_check(pRef_Data->names); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { pRef_Data->symbols[i] = malloc(SYMBOL_MAX_LENGTH); pRef_Data->names[i] = malloc(NAME_MAX_LENGTH); pointer_alloc_check(pRef_Data->symbols[i]); pointer_alloc_check(pRef_Data->names[i]); } pRef_Data->length = length; return pRef_Data; } News* api_news_init(void) { News* pNews = malloc(sizeof(News)); pointer_alloc_check(pNews); *pNews = (News) { .headline[0] = '\0', .source[0] = '\0', .date[0] = '\0', .summary[0] = '\0', .url[0] = '\0', .related[0] = '\0' }; return pNews; } Info* api_info_init(void) { Info* pInfo = malloc(sizeof(Info)); pointer_alloc_check(pInfo); *pInfo = (Info) { // Null terminate every string and set every value to EMPTY .api_provider = EMPTY, .symbol[0] = '\0', .name[0] = '\0', .industry[0] = '\0', .website[0] = '\0', .description[0] = '\0', .ceo[0] = '\0', .issue_type[0] = '\0', .sector[0] = '\0', .intraday_time = EMPTY, .price = EMPTY, .marketcap = EMPTY, .volume_1d = EMPTY, .pe_ratio = EMPTY, .div_yield = EMPTY, .revenue = EMPTY, .gross_profit = EMPTY, .cash = EMPTY, .debt = EMPTY, .eps = {EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY} , .fiscal_period[0][0] = '\0', .fiscal_period[1][0] = '\0', .fiscal_period[2][0] = '\0', .fiscal_period[3][0] = '\0', .eps_year_ago = {EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY}, .price_last_close = EMPTY, .price_7d = EMPTY, .price_30d = EMPTY, .points = NULL, .num_points = EMPTY, .articles = NULL, .num_articles = EMPTY, .peers = NULL, .amount = EMPTY, .total_spent = EMPTY, .current_value = 0, .famount[0] = '\0', .ftotal_spent[0] = '\0', .fcurrent_value[0] = '\0', .profit_total = EMPTY, .profit_total_percent = EMPTY, .profit_last_close = EMPTY, .profit_last_close_percent = EMPTY, .profit_7d = EMPTY, .profit_7d_percent = EMPTY, .profit_30d = EMPTY, .profit_30d_percent = EMPTY, .fprofit_total[0] = '\0', .fprofit_total_percent[0] = '\0', .fprofit_last_close[0] = '\0', .fprofit_last_close_percent[0] = '\0', .fprofit_7d[0] = '\0', .fprofit_7d_percent[0] = '\0', .fprofit_30d[0] = '\0', .fprofit_30d_percent[0] = '\0' }; return pInfo; } Info_Array* api_info_array_init(void) { Info_Array* pInfo_Array = malloc(sizeof(Info_Array)); pointer_alloc_check(pInfo_Array); *pInfo_Array = (Info_Array) { .array = NULL, .length = 0, .totals = NULL }; return pInfo_Array; } Info_Array* api_info_array_init_from_length(size_t length) { if (length == 0) return api_info_array_init(); Info_Array* pInfo_Array = api_info_array_init(); pInfo_Array->length = length; pInfo_Array->array = malloc(sizeof(Info*) * length); pointer_alloc_check(pInfo_Array->array); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) pInfo_Array->array[i] = api_info_init(); pInfo_Array->totals = api_info_init(); strcpy(pInfo_Array->totals->symbol, "TOTALS"); return pInfo_Array; } size_t api_string_writefunc(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, String* pString) { size_t new_len = pString->len + size * nmemb; pString->data = realloc(pString->data, new_len + 1); pointer_alloc_check(pString->data); memcpy(pString->data + pString->len, ptr, size * nmemb); pString->data[new_len] = '\0'; pString->len = new_len; return size * nmemb; } String* api_curl_data(const char* url) { CURL* curl = curl_easy_init(); CURLcode res; if (!curl) // Error creating curl object RETNULL_MSG("Error initializing curl.") String* pString = string_init(); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url); // Set URL curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L); // Needed for HTTPS curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, api_string_writefunc); // Specify writefunc for return data curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &pString->data); // Specify object for return data res = curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); if (res != CURLE_OK) { string_destroy(&pString); // Error receiving data RETNULL_MSG("Error curling data.") } return pString; } void iex_batch_store_data_info_array(Info_Array* pInfo_Array, Data_Level data_level) { char** symbol_array = malloc(pInfo_Array->length * sizeof(char*)); pointer_alloc_check(symbol_array); for (size_t i = 0; i < pInfo_Array->length; i++) { symbol_array[i] = malloc(SYMBOL_MAX_LENGTH); pointer_alloc_check(symbol_array[i]); strcpy(symbol_array[i], pInfo_Array->array[i]->symbol); } String* pString = iex_batch_get_data_string(symbol_array, pInfo_Array->length, data_level); Json* jobj = json_tokener_parse(pString->data); info_array_store_all_from_json(pInfo_Array, jobj); for (size_t i = 0; i < pInfo_Array->length; i++) free(symbol_array[i]); free(symbol_array); json_object_put(jobj); string_destroy(&pString); } void iex_batch_store_data_info(Info* pInfo, Data_Level data_level) { char* symbol_array = malloc(SYMBOL_MAX_LENGTH); pointer_alloc_check(symbol_array); strcpy(symbol_array, pInfo->symbol); String* pString = iex_batch_get_data_string(&symbol_array, 1, data_level); Json* jobj = json_tokener_parse(pString->data); Json* jsymbol = json_object_object_get(jobj, pInfo->symbol); if (jsymbol != NULL) info_store_all_from_json(pInfo, jsymbol); free(symbol_array); json_object_put(jobj); string_destroy(&pString); } String* iex_batch_get_data_string(char* symbol_array[SYMBOL_MAX_LENGTH], size_t len, Data_Level data_level) { // TO-DO -- MAKE FUNCTION HANDLE MORE THAN 100 SECURITIES (API LIMITATION) char iex_api_string[URL_MAX_LENGTH * 2], symbol_list_string[URL_MAX_LENGTH]; symbol_list_string[0] = '\0'; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) if (strcmp(symbol_array[i], "USD$") != 0) sprintf(&symbol_list_string[strlen(symbol_list_string)], "%s,", symbol_array[i]); symbol_list_string[strlen(symbol_list_string) - 1] = '\0'; // Remove last comma char endpoints[128]; if (data_level == ALL) strcpy(endpoints, "quote,chart,company,stats,peers,news,earnings&range=5y"); else if (data_level == CHECK) strcpy(endpoints, "quote,chart"); else if (data_level == MISC) strcpy(endpoints, "company,stats,peers,news,earnings&range=5y"); else strcpy(endpoints, "news"); sprintf(iex_api_string, "https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=%s&types=%s", symbol_list_string, endpoints); return api_curl_data(iex_api_string); } void* morningstar_store_info(void* vpInfo) { Info* symbol_info = vpInfo; char today_str[DATE_MAX_LENGTH], five_year_str[DATE_MAX_LENGTH], morningstar_api_string[URL_MAX_LENGTH]; time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm* ts = localtime(&now); mktime(ts); strftime(today_str, DATE_MAX_LENGTH, "%Y-%m-%d", ts); ts->tm_year -= 5; //get info from past 5 years mktime(ts); strftime(five_year_str, DATE_MAX_LENGTH, "%Y-%m-%d", ts); sprintf(morningstar_api_string, "http://globalquote.morningstar.com/globalcomponent/RealtimeHistoricalStockData.ashx?showVol=true&dtype=his" "&f=d&curry=USD&isD=true&isS=true&hasF=true&ProdCode=DIRECT&ticker=%s&range=%s|%s", symbol_info->symbol, five_year_str, today_str); String* pString = api_curl_data(morningstar_api_string); if (pString == NULL) return NULL; if (strcmp("null", pString->data) == 0) { // Invalid symbol string_destroy(&pString); return NULL; } symbol_info->api_provider = MORNINGSTAR; Json* jobj = json_tokener_parse(pString->data); Json* datapoints = json_object_object_get( json_object_array_get_idx(json_object_object_get(jobj, "PriceDataList"), 0), "Datapoints"); size_t len = json_object_array_length(datapoints); double* api_data = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(double)); // Must calloc() because some data points don't exist pointer_alloc_check(api_data); for (int i = 0; i < (int) len; i++) api_data[i] = json_object_get_double( json_object_array_get_idx(json_object_array_get_idx(datapoints, (size_t) i), 0)); symbol_info->points = api_data; symbol_info->price = api_data[len - 1]; symbol_info->price_last_close = api_data[len - 2]; symbol_info->price_7d = api_data[len - 6]; symbol_info->price_30d = api_data[len - 22]; Json* vol = json_object_object_get(jobj, "VolumeList"); if (vol != NULL) // There is no volume for MUTF symbol_info->volume_1d = (long) (1000000 * json_object_get_double( // Data listed in millions json_object_array_get_idx(json_object_object_get(vol, "Datapoints"), len - 1))); json_object_put(jobj); string_destroy(&pString); return vpInfo; } void* alphavantage_store_info(void* vpInfo) { Info* symbol_info = vpInfo; if (symbol_info->symbol[0] == '\0') return NULL; char alphavantage_api_string[URL_MAX_LENGTH]; sprintf(alphavantage_api_string, "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY" "&symbol=%s&apikey=DFUMLJ1ILOM2G7IH&outputsize=full&datatype" "=csv", symbol_info->symbol); String* pString = api_curl_data(alphavantage_api_string); if (pString == NULL) return NULL; if (pString->data[0] == '{') { // Invalid symbol/error string_destroy(&pString); return NULL; } symbol_info->api_provider = ALPHAVANTAGE; size_t len = string_get_num_lines(pString) - 1, idx = 0; if (len > 1260) // 5 years len = 1260; symbol_info->points = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(double)); pointer_alloc_check(symbol_info->points); csv_goto_next_line(pString, &idx); // skip columns line for (int i = (int) len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (size_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) csv_goto_next_value(pString, &idx); symbol_info->points[i] = csv_read_next_double(pString, &idx); if (symbol_info->points[i] == 0 && i < (int) len - 1) // API Error symbol_info->points[i] = symbol_info->points[i + 1]; csv_goto_next_line(pString, &idx); } symbol_info->price = symbol_info->points[len - 1]; symbol_info->price_last_close = symbol_info->points[len - 2]; symbol_info->price_7d = symbol_info->points[len - 6]; symbol_info->price_30d = symbol_info->points[len - 22]; string_destroy(&pString); return vpInfo; } void* coinmarketcap_store_info(void* vpInfo) { Info* symbol_info = vpInfo; char coinmarketcap_api_string[URL_MAX_LENGTH]; sprintf(coinmarketcap_api_string, "https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/%s", symbol_info->symbol); String* pString = api_curl_data(coinmarketcap_api_string); if (pString == NULL) return NULL; if (pString->data[0] == '{') { // Invalid symbol string_destroy(&pString); return NULL; } symbol_info->api_provider = COINMARKETCAP; Json* jobj = json_tokener_parse(pString->data); Json* data = json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, 0); strcpy(symbol_info->name, json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(data, "name"))); strcpy(symbol_info->symbol, json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(data, "symbol"))); symbol_info->price = strtod(json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(data, "price_usd")), NULL); symbol_info->price_last_close = symbol_info->price / (strtod(json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(data, "percent_change_24h")), NULL) / 100 + 1); symbol_info->price_7d = symbol_info->price / (strtod(json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(data, "percent_change_7d")), NULL) / 100 + 1); symbol_info->price_30d = symbol_info->price_7d; symbol_info->marketcap = strtol(json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(data, "market_cap_usd")), NULL, 10); symbol_info->volume_1d = strtol(json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(data, "24h_volume_usd")), NULL, 10); symbol_info->intraday_time = strtol(json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(data, "last_updated")), NULL, 10); json_object_put(jobj); string_destroy(&pString); return vpInfo; } void api_info_array_store_data_batch(Info_Array* pInfo_Array, Data_Level data_level) { iex_batch_store_data_info_array(pInfo_Array, data_level); // All IEX securities are accounted for Info* pInfo; pthread_t threads[pInfo_Array->length]; int open_threads[pInfo_Array->length]; memset(open_threads, 0, pInfo_Array->length * sizeof(int)); for (size_t i = 0; i < pInfo_Array->length; i++) { pInfo = pInfo_Array->array[i]; if (pInfo->api_provider == EMPTY && strcmp(pInfo->symbol, "USD$") != 0) { open_threads[i] = 1; if (strlen(pInfo->symbol) > 5 && pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, coinmarketcap_store_info, pInfo)) { // Crypto EXIT_MSG("Error creating thread!"); } else if (pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, alphavantage_store_info, pInfo)) { EXIT_MSG("Error creating thread!"); } } } // All IEX and AV are accounted for for (size_t i = 0; i < pInfo_Array->length; i++) { pInfo = pInfo_Array->array[i]; if (open_threads[i]) { if (pthread_join(threads[i], NULL)) EXIT_MSG("Error joining thread!"); open_threads[i] = 0; } // Crypto with 5 char or less name if (pInfo->api_provider == EMPTY && strcmp(pInfo->symbol, "USD$") != 0 && pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, coinmarketcap_store_info, pInfo)) EXIT_MSG("Error creating thread!"); } // All accounted for for (size_t i = 0; i < pInfo_Array->length; i++) { if (open_threads[i]) { if (pthread_join(threads[i], NULL)) EXIT_MSG("Error joining thread!"); open_threads[i] = 0; } info_store_check_data(pInfo_Array->array[i]); } info_array_store_totals(pInfo_Array); } void api_info_store_data_batch(Info* pInfo, Data_Level data_level) { iex_batch_store_data_info(pInfo, data_level); if (pInfo->api_provider == EMPTY && alphavantage_store_info(pInfo) == NULL && coinmarketcap_store_info(pInfo) == NULL) return; info_store_check_data(pInfo); } void info_store_check_data(Info* pInfo) { if (strcmp(pInfo->symbol, "USD$") != 0) { if (pInfo->amount != EMPTY) { pInfo->current_value = pInfo->amount * pInfo->price; pInfo->profit_total = pInfo->current_value - pInfo->total_spent; pInfo->profit_total_percent = 100 * (pInfo->current_value / pInfo->total_spent - 1); pInfo->profit_last_close = pInfo->amount * (pInfo->price - pInfo->price_last_close); pInfo->profit_7d = pInfo->amount * (pInfo->price - pInfo->price_7d); pInfo->profit_30d = pInfo->amount * (pInfo->price - pInfo->price_30d); } pInfo->profit_last_close_percent = 100 * (pInfo->price / pInfo->price_last_close - 1); pInfo->profit_7d_percent = 100 * (pInfo->price / pInfo->price_7d - 1); pInfo->profit_30d_percent = 100 * (pInfo->price / pInfo->price_30d - 1); } else { if (pInfo->amount != EMPTY) { pInfo->current_value = pInfo->amount; pInfo->profit_total = pInfo->current_value - pInfo->total_spent; pInfo->profit_total_percent = 100 * pInfo->profit_total / pInfo->total_spent; } pInfo->profit_last_close = 0; pInfo->profit_last_close_percent = 0; pInfo->profit_7d = 0; pInfo->profit_7d_percent = 0; pInfo->profit_30d = 0; pInfo->profit_30d_percent = 0; } } void info_array_store_totals(Info_Array* pInfo_Array) { pInfo_Array->totals->total_spent = 0; pInfo_Array->totals->current_value = 0; pInfo_Array->totals->profit_total = 0; pInfo_Array->totals->profit_last_close = 0; pInfo_Array->totals->profit_7d = 0; pInfo_Array->totals->profit_30d = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < pInfo_Array->length; i++) { pInfo_Array->totals->total_spent += pInfo_Array->array[i]->total_spent; pInfo_Array->totals->current_value += pInfo_Array->array[i]->current_value; pInfo_Array->totals->profit_total += pInfo_Array->array[i]->profit_total; pInfo_Array->totals->profit_last_close += pInfo_Array->array[i]->profit_last_close; pInfo_Array->totals->profit_7d += pInfo_Array->array[i]->profit_7d; pInfo_Array->totals->profit_30d += pInfo_Array->array[i]->profit_30d; } pInfo_Array->totals->profit_total_percent = (100 * (pInfo_Array->totals->current_value - pInfo_Array->totals->total_spent)) / pInfo_Array->totals->total_spent; pInfo_Array->totals->profit_last_close_percent = 100 * pInfo_Array->totals->profit_last_close / pInfo_Array->totals->total_spent; pInfo_Array->totals->profit_7d_percent = 100 * pInfo_Array->totals->profit_7d / pInfo_Array->totals->total_spent; pInfo_Array->totals->profit_30d_percent = 100 * pInfo_Array->totals->profit_30d / pInfo_Array->totals->total_spent; } Ref_Data* iex_get_valid_symbols(void) { String* pString = api_curl_data("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/ref-data/symbols"); if (pString == NULL) return NULL; Json* jobj = json_tokener_parse(pString->data), * idx; Ref_Data* pRef_Data = api_ref_data_init_from_length(json_object_array_length(jobj)); for (size_t i = 0; i < pRef_Data->length; i++) { idx = json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, i); strcpy(pRef_Data->symbols[i], json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(idx, "symbol"))); strcpy(pRef_Data->names[i], json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(idx, "name"))); } json_object_put(jobj); string_destroy(&pString); return pRef_Data; } void info_array_store_all_from_json(Info_Array* pInfo_Array, const Json* jobj) { Json* jsymbol; for (size_t i = 0; i < pInfo_Array->length; i++) { jsymbol = json_object_object_get(jobj, pInfo_Array->array[i]->symbol); if (jsymbol != NULL) info_store_all_from_json(pInfo_Array->array[i], jsymbol); } } void info_store_all_from_json(Info* pInfo, const Json* jsymbol) { Json* jquote, * jchart, * jcompany, * jstats, * jpeers, * jnews, * jearnings; pInfo->api_provider = IEX; jquote = json_object_object_get(jsymbol, "quote"); jchart = json_object_object_get(jsymbol, "chart"); jcompany = json_object_object_get(jsymbol, "company"); jstats = json_object_object_get(jsymbol, "stats"); jpeers = json_object_object_get(jsymbol, "peers"); jnews = json_object_object_get(jsymbol, "news"); jearnings = json_object_object_get(jsymbol, "earnings"); if (jquote != NULL) info_store_quote_from_json(pInfo, jquote); if (jchart != NULL) info_store_chart_from_json(pInfo, jchart); if (jcompany != NULL) info_store_company_from_json(pInfo, jcompany); if (jstats != NULL) info_store_stats_from_json(pInfo, jstats); if (jpeers != NULL) info_store_peers_from_json(pInfo, jpeers); if (jnews != NULL) info_store_news_from_json(pInfo, jnews); if (jearnings != NULL) info_store_earnings_from_json(pInfo, jearnings); } void info_store_quote_from_json(Info* pInfo, const Json* jquote) { if (json_object_get_int64(json_object_object_get(jquote, "extendedPriceTime")) > json_object_get_int64(json_object_object_get(jquote, "latestUpdate"))) { pInfo->price = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(jquote, "extendedPrice")); pInfo->intraday_time = json_object_get_int64(json_object_object_get(jquote, "extendedPriceTime")) / 1000; } else { pInfo->price = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(jquote, "latestPrice")); pInfo->intraday_time = json_object_get_int64(json_object_object_get(jquote, "latestUpdate")) / 1000; } pInfo->price_last_close = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(jquote, "previousClose")); if (pInfo->price_last_close == 0) // May be 0 over weekend pInfo->price_last_close = EMPTY; pInfo->marketcap = json_object_get_int64(json_object_object_get(jquote, "marketCap")); pInfo->volume_1d = json_object_get_int64(json_object_object_get(jquote, "latestVolume")); pInfo->pe_ratio = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(jquote, "peRatio")); } void info_store_chart_from_json(Info* pInfo, const Json* jchart) { free(pInfo->points); size_t len = json_object_array_length(jchart); pInfo->points = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(double)); pointer_alloc_check(pInfo->points); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) pInfo->points[i] = json_object_get_double( json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(jchart, i), "close")); if (pInfo->price_last_close == EMPTY) // May be 0 over weekend, so get last close from points array pInfo->price_last_close = pInfo->points[len - 1]; if (len > 5) pInfo->price_7d = pInfo->points[len - 5]; if (len > 21) pInfo->price_30d = pInfo->points[len - 21]; if (len < 25) // 1 month api data pInfo->price_30d = pInfo->points[0]; } void info_store_company_from_json(Info* pInfo, const Json* jcompany) { Json* jsymbol, * jname, * jindustry, * jwebsite, * jdescription, * jceo, * jtype, * jsector; jsymbol = json_object_object_get(jcompany, "symbol"); jname = json_object_object_get(jcompany, "companyName"); jindustry = json_object_object_get(jcompany, "industry"); jwebsite = json_object_object_get(jcompany, "website"); jdescription = json_object_object_get(jcompany, "description"); jceo = json_object_object_get(jcompany, "CEO"); jtype = json_object_object_get(jcompany, "issueType"); jsector = json_object_object_get(jcompany, "sector"); if (jsymbol != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->symbol, json_object_get_string(jsymbol)); if (jname != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->name, json_object_get_string(jname)); if (jindustry != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->industry, json_object_get_string(jindustry)); if (jwebsite != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->website, json_object_get_string(jwebsite)); if (jdescription != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->description, json_object_get_string(jdescription)); if (jceo != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->ceo, json_object_get_string(jceo)); if (jtype != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->issue_type, json_object_get_string(jtype)); if (jsector != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->sector, json_object_get_string(jsector)); } void info_store_stats_from_json(Info* pInfo, const Json* jstats) { pInfo->div_yield = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(jstats, "dividendYield")); pInfo->revenue = json_object_get_int64(json_object_object_get(jstats, "revenue")); pInfo->gross_profit = json_object_get_int64(json_object_object_get(jstats, "grossProfit")); pInfo->cash = json_object_get_int64(json_object_object_get(jstats, "cash")); pInfo->debt = json_object_get_int64(json_object_object_get(jstats, "debt")); } void info_store_peers_from_json(Info* pInfo, const Json* jpeers) { size_t len = json_object_array_length(jpeers); if (len == 0) return; if (len > MAX_PEERS) len = MAX_PEERS; pInfo->peers = api_info_array_init_from_length(len); for (size_t i = 0; i < pInfo->peers->length; i++) strcpy(pInfo->peers->array[i]->symbol, json_object_get_string( json_object_array_get_idx(jpeers, i))); api_info_array_store_data_batch(pInfo->peers, CHECK); } void info_store_news_from_json(Info* pInfo, const Json* jnews) { Json* idx, * headline, * source, * date, * summary, * url, * related; size_t len = json_object_array_length(jnews); if (len < (unsigned) pInfo->num_articles) pInfo->num_articles = (int)len; pInfo->articles = malloc(sizeof(News*) * pInfo->num_articles); pointer_alloc_check(pInfo->articles); for (int i = 0; i < pInfo->num_articles; i++) { idx = json_object_array_get_idx(jnews, (size_t) i); headline = json_object_object_get(idx, "headline"); source = json_object_object_get(idx, "source"); date = json_object_object_get(idx, "datetime"); summary = json_object_object_get(idx, "summary"); url = json_object_object_get(idx, "url"); related = json_object_object_get(idx, "related"); /* * If two articles in a row are the same, change num_articles and break loop. This will * happen if there are not enough articles supplied by API. */ if (i > 0 && headline != NULL && strcmp(json_object_get_string(headline), pInfo->articles[i - 1]->headline) == 0) { pInfo->num_articles = i; break; } pInfo->articles[i] = api_news_init(); if (headline != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->articles[i]->headline, json_object_get_string(headline)); if (source != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->articles[i]->source, json_object_get_string(source)); if (date != NULL) strncpy(pInfo->articles[i]->date, json_object_get_string(date), 10); pInfo->articles[i]->date[10] = '\0'; // strncpy doesn't null terminate if (summary != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->articles[i]->summary, json_object_get_string(summary)); strip_tags(pInfo->articles[i]->summary); // Summary will be html formatted, so strip tags if (url != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->articles[i]->url, json_object_get_string(url)); if (related != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->articles[i]->related, json_object_get_string(related)); int related_num = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < strlen(pInfo->articles[i]->related); j++) { // List only first five related symbols if (pInfo->articles[i]->related[j] == ',') related_num++; if (related_num == 5) { pInfo->articles[i]->related[j] = '\0'; break; } } } } void info_store_earnings_from_json(Info* pInfo, const Json* jearnings) { // ETFs don't report earnings if (!json_object_is_type(json_object_object_get(jearnings, "earnings"), json_type_array)) return; size_t len = json_object_array_length(json_object_object_get(jearnings, "earnings")); Json* idx, * period, * end_date, * report_date; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { idx = json_object_array_get_idx(json_object_object_get(jearnings, "earnings"), i); pInfo->eps[i] = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(idx, "actualEPS")); pInfo->eps_year_ago[i] = json_object_get_double(json_object_object_get(idx, "yearAgo")); period = json_object_object_get(idx, "fiscalPeriod"); end_date = json_object_object_get(idx, "fiscalEndDate"); report_date = json_object_object_get(idx, "EPSReportDate"); if (period != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->fiscal_period[i], json_object_get_string(period)); else if (end_date != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->fiscal_period[i], json_object_get_string(end_date)); else if (report_date != NULL) strcpy(pInfo->fiscal_period[i], json_object_get_string(report_date)); } } Info* info_array_get_info_from_symbol(const Info_Array* pInfo_Array, const char* symbol) { for (size_t i = 0; i < pInfo_Array->length; i++) if (strcmp(symbol, pInfo_Array->array[i]->symbol) == 0) return pInfo_Array->array[i]; return NULL; } void api_ref_data_destroy(Ref_Data** phRef_Data) { if (*phRef_Data == NULL) return; Ref_Data* pRef_data = *phRef_Data; for (size_t i = 0; i < pRef_data->length; i++) { free(pRef_data->symbols[i]); free(pRef_data->names[i]); } free(pRef_data->symbols); free(pRef_data->names); free(*phRef_Data); *phRef_Data = NULL; } void api_news_destroy(News** phNews) { if (*phNews == NULL) return; free(*phNews); *phNews = NULL; } void api_info_destroy(Info** phInfo) { if (*phInfo == NULL) return; Info* pInfo = *phInfo; free(pInfo->points); if (pInfo->articles != NULL) for (int i = 0; i < pInfo->num_articles; i++) api_news_destroy(&pInfo->articles[i]); if (pInfo->peers != NULL) api_info_array_destroy(&pInfo->peers); free(pInfo->articles); free(*phInfo); *phInfo = NULL; } void api_info_array_destroy(Info_Array** phInfo_Array) { if (*phInfo_Array == NULL) return; Info_Array* pInfo_Array = *phInfo_Array; for (size_t i = 0; i < pInfo_Array->length; i++) api_info_destroy(&pInfo_Array->array[i]); free(pInfo_Array->array); if (pInfo_Array->totals != NULL) api_info_destroy(&pInfo_Array->totals); free(*phInfo_Array); *phInfo_Array = NULL; }