post_install() { echo "Add yourself to the uucp group to access the serial ports:" echo "sudo usermod -a -G uucp " echo "Please checkout the wiki for further information." } pre_upgrade() { if [[ $(vercmp 1:1.6.12-1 "$2") -eq 1 ]]; then echo "If arduino fails to install try to manually remove it first:" echo "sudo pacman -Rs arduino" fi } _1:1.6.12_1_changes() { echo ":: arduino is now split into arduino-builder, arduino-avr-core and arduino-docs" echo " If arduino fails to run, check for a zombie folder:" echo " ls -la /usr/share/arduino/hardware/avr" echo " It might be left from a very old upgrade. Please remove it." } post_upgrade() { local v upgrades=( 1:1.6.12-1 ) for v in "${upgrades[@]}"; do if [[ $(vercmp "$v" "$2") -eq 1 ]]; then "_${v//-/_}_changes" fi done }