# Run as daemon. daemon=true # Dir needs to be changed to the download location. dir=/var/share/aria2c/ # Logging log=/var/share/aria2c/aria2c.log log-level=warn # save completed state force-save=true # Save a control file(*.aria2) every SEC seconds. auto-save-interval=60 # Downloads URIs found in FILE. input-file=/var/share/aria2c/aria2c.session # Save error/unfinished downloads to FILE on exit. save-session=/var/share/aria2c/aria2c.session # Save error/unfinished downloads to a file every SEC seconds. save-session-interval=60 # Initializing EpollEventPoll failed. #event-poll=select # Continue downloading a partially downloaded file. continue=true # RPC options, user and password should be changed. #Enable JSON-RPC/XML-RPC server. enable-rpc=true # Add Access-Control-Allow-Origin header field with value, for YAAW rpc-allow-origin-all=true # Listen incoming JSON-RPC/XML-RPC requests on all network interfaces. rpc-listen-all=true # Save the uploaded torrent or metalink metadata in the directory specified by --dir option rpc-save-upload-metadata=true # Specify a port number for JSON-RPC/XML-RPC server to listen to. #rpc-listen-port=6800 # Set JSON-RPC/XML-RPC user. rpc-secret=aria2c # Advanced # Restart download from scratch if the corresponding control file doesn't exist. allow-overwrite=true # Specify file allocation method. none, prealloc, trunc, falloc Default: prealloc file-allocation=prealloc # Set max overall download speed in bytes/sec. max-overall-download-limit=0 # Set max overall upload speed in bytes/sec. max-overall-upload-limit=0 # Download a file using N connections. split=5 # The maximum number of connections to one server for each download. max-connection-per-server=5 # Set maximum number of parallel downloads for every static (HTTP/FTP) URI, max-concurrent-downloads=4 min-split-size=20M # Fetch URIs in the command-line sequentially and download each URI in a separate session, force-sequential=true # Enable parameterized URI support. for example: # http://{sv1,sv2,sv3}/foo.iso # http://host/image[000-100:2].img parameterized-uri=true # HTTP check-certificate=false # HTTP/FTP max-file-not-found=5 max-tries=2 remote-time=true # Set user agent for HTTP(S) downloads user-agent=Transmission/2.61 (13407) #user-agent=uTorrent/2210(25130) # BT # Enable Local Peer Discovery. bt-enable-lpd=true # Set TCP port number for BitTorrent downloads. listen-port=25000 #listen-port=6881-6999 # Specify share ratio. seed-ratio=1.0 # Specify seeding time in minutes. seed-time=60 # Specify the prefix of peer ID. peer-id-prefix=-TR2610- #peer-id-prefix=-UT2210- # Enable IPv4 DHT functionality. fro PT enable-dht=true # Set UDP listening port used by DHT(IPv4, IPv6) and UDP tracker. dht-listen-port=51414 # Set host and port as an entry point to IPv4 DHT network. dht-entry-point=dht.transmissionbt.com:6881 #dht-entry-point6= # Specify the maximum number of peers per torrent. bt-max-peers=80 # Configuring this option with your preferred download speed can increase your download speed in some cases. bt-request-peer-speed-limit=200K # Enable Peer Exchange extension. enable-peer-exchange=true bt-hash-check-seed=true bt-seed-unverified=true bt-save-metadata=true # If true is given, aria2 doesn't accept and establish connection with legacy BitTorrent handshake(19BitTorrent protocol). Thus aria2 always uses Obfuscation handshake. bt-require-crypto=true # If true or mem is specified, when a file whose suffix is .torrent or content type is application/x-bittorrent is downloaded, aria2 parses it as a torrent file and downloads files mentioned in it. follow-torrent=true