post_install() { sed -e "s|#?vers : VVV?|#?vers : VVV?\nvers : STA12.5:/usr/share/aster/12.5|" \ -i /etc/codeaster/aster echo echo " NOTE:" echo " You can launch code-aster from the command-line using" echo " 'as_run *.export' or you can use ASTK interface. In the" echo " latter case - more frequent - you must choose between" echo " rsh and ssh." echo " If you choose ssh, follow" echo "" echo " to install ssh enabling X11 forwarding." echo " Command line astk-ssh launches astk with ssh." echo " astk launches astk with rsh." echo } post_upgrade() { post_remove $1 post_install $1 } post_remove() { sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s|\nvers : STA12.5:/usr/share/aster/12.5||g' \ -i /etc/codeaster/aster } op=$1 shift $op $*